LED flasher Problem Rocket III Touring

So... before I read this thread, I replaced the left front turn signal with an LED. It worked OK but had a fast blink as expected (I didn't have a flasher in hand to try that yet). So I replaced the left rear, which caused no blinking at all.
Then I replaced right rear, with LED, and no blinking at all on right side.
I got an LED flasher (again, before reading this thread) which did not help at all since I have a Touring.
I know now that the flasher is built into the computer somehow, and I'll need to add resistors in parallel with the turn signals to make it work.

With no turn signals working, I put all of the original bulbs and the original relay back in.
The turn signals did not begin to work.

Any ideas out there on what to check?

Original flasher unit failed due to low resistance.
Is that the relay behind the right side cover on the touring? Or is there another unit somewhere else?

I don't know the position of the flasher unit. Would need to check service manual.
I am only suggesting this may be the problem but it seems likely to me.
Probably others on the site will know more.

Remember LEDs are directional, incandescent are not so if leads are reversed the stock bulb will work but the LED will not. Reinstall the LEDs and try reversing the leads to see if they work.

Touring's do not use a replaceable flasher it is coded into the system for the self canceling feature.
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You need to install resisters if you own a touring model. One for the front and one for the back turn signals. The roadster requires only a new 3 prong flasher.
The Touring has its turn flasher module integrated into the Instrument panel. It cannot be replaced by a substitute external module (well not without significant re-wiring effort)
So yes, parallel resistors are the only solution when using LED 'bulbs' on a T

Original flasher unit failed due to low resistance.

Two strikes there Mike
It didn't fail (see below) and LEDs have HIGH resistance

The rear turn signal lights are often wired backwards with the polarity revered i.e. the ground is the centre pin and the 'hot' is the casing; that doesn't matter for an incandescent but for LEDs you will have to swap the polarity of the wires.
You still need load resistors also however.

You need to install resisters if you own a touring model. One for the front and one for the back turn signals .... .
Emm, that would be one for the Right & one for the Left
You only need one for each side and it can be installed anywhere on the left or right circuits, whether you choose to install at the front or the rear.
Required value is earlier in thread.

I did reverse the rears to no avail, and with the original bulbs back in, it still doesn't work, leading me to believe that the flasher module is toast. The service manual has no actual relay in the turn signal circuit, and the one under the right rear that the service manual claims is the flasher looks more like it is the starter relay.

I called Triumph USA's support line, and item 46, labeled 'diode pack (indicator)' from the circuit diagram (below) is 'bundled in with the wiring harness' but I could get no further information from the agent. "Bring it to a dealer" being the operative phrase. I strongly suspect that 46 is a solid state flasher unit, as it sits in the diagram in exactly the same place in the turn signal circuit as the Roadster's flasher, right down to the light green/brown wiring to the harness.

... I strongly suspect that 46 is a solid state flasher unit ...
As already previously stated the flasher module is integrated into the instrument panel - that is not a 'suspicion' it is a fact
I also seriously doubt it is fried - you may have mashed the contact in lamp socket when swapping bulbs and potentially also may have blown the fuse