is this harley faster than rocket 2.5?

Some of you guys get caught up in HP and who doesn't want more HP but... That's great for straight line and sweeping curves but not so much in aggressive riding in the twisties. A very good rider with adequate HP will beat an average rider with loads of HP every time in the twisties. Straight line goes to the HP in most instances but not all. Just my observations throughout the years. :thumbsup:

If you want more HP then what you really want is a better HP to weight ratio. Less weight will improve the HP to weight ratio so what you really need to do is lose weight yourself. This will have a multitude of benefits for a number of people. Not only will you go faster, you will spend less money of food and spirits so you can spend more on your bike. It may also help your health, less joint stress and decreased possibility of cardiac problems and possibly even diabetes. For you guys that are already skinny then you are SOL and will just have to spend money on your bike to improve the HP to weight ratio. ;) 🤣

Some of you guys get caught up in HP and who doesn't want more HP but... That's great for straight line and sweeping curves but not so much in aggressive riding in the twisties. A very good rider with adequate HP will beat an average rider with loads of HP every time in the twisties. Straight line goes to the HP in most instances but not all. Just my observations throughout the years. :thumbsup:
Yep...especially in New Zealand
If you want more HP then what you really want is a better HP to weight ratio. Less weight will improve the HP to weight ratio so what you really need to do is lose weight yourself. This will have a multitude of benefits for a number of people. Not only will you go faster, you will spend less money of food and spirits so you can spend more on your bike. It may also help your health, less joint stress and decreased possibility of cardiac problems and possibly even diabetes. For you guys that are already skinny then you are SOL and will just have to spend money on your bike to improve the HP to weight ratio. ;) 🤣

Ok Doc....I agree to the point of no alcohol for 7 years & 1 Rocket turned into 3 Rockets 😂✌️😎🚀🚀🚀
Some of you guys get caught up in HP and who doesn't want more HP but... That's great for straight line and sweeping curves but not so much in aggressive riding in the twisties. A very good rider with adequate HP will beat an average rider with loads of HP every time in the twisties. Straight line goes to the HP in most instances but not all. Just my observations throughout the years. :thumbsup:
Agreed- it's all about the torque!
If you want more HP then what you really want is a better HP to weight ratio. Less weight will improve the HP to weight ratio so what you really need to do is lose weight yourself. This will have a multitude of benefits for a number of people. Not only will you go faster, you will spend less money of food and spirits so you can spend more on your bike. It may also help your health, less joint stress and decreased possibility of cardiac problems and possibly even diabetes. For you guys that are already skinny then you are SOL and will just have to spend money on your bike to improve the HP to weight ratio. ;) 🤣

(1HP = - 10 pounds). Two years ago I went on a diet and gained +2 HP. This last year I have fallen off and lost -1 HP. I'm still +1 HP up but should have -2 HP to be at ideal HP/ weight ratio. Total when achieved correct weight ratio +3 HP. :p
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A wide flat torque curve that jumps up very quickly at 2000 rpm is what you want in the mountains. It gets you up and going out of a corner without having to fight a narrow HP band at the top of the rev range. Actually the large displacement V twins have this trait. My Indians work pretty well in this environment, for the fat girls they are.:roll: They lack lean angle and suffer from heavy weight though. The new Rockets are pretty darn good in the twisties. The older ones don’t handle quite as well.:(