Installation of Neville Lush Racing "street" cams in 2014 Rocket III Touring

Just a thought. It seems that:

The cams are timed.
That the tensioner is right.
That there was lubrication but possibly not full oil pressure yet.
Pistons didn't meet valves.
Clutch wasn't bashing the cover.

Since none of those are panning out, I'm wondering if something else is the cause, something not directly associated with the valve train that you may have disturbed/moved/loosened. Applying grey matter now to see what shakes out.
Fortunate for me, Murphy was tied up messing with Paul this week.
My wiring project (Rob's work) went smooth.
Seriously, Paul, I'm so sorry you are having to endure this prolonged abuse!
I woulda blown the sucker up by now and called insurance . . .

I was thinking along the same line!!
Roll her out in the driveway and drop a wrench across the battery terminals and walk away!!!
@hoopla I wondered that myself. Most of the folks here immediately suggested the chain was too loose.

The instructions that came with the cams said "adjust the cam chain tensioner without the cam chain pad in place, observing the chain across the top between the two cam gears, adjust the tensioner with your fingers until the chain is pretty tight. Then, install the cam chain pad, and make the chain a little tighter. You don't want a loose chain.

While the emphasis is mine, that "tight" sure came across as a foot stomper to me.

When I asked about "too tight", the response there was, if it is too tight, the engine will 'whine'.

I hate instructions like this. Playing around on performance car engines I have ran into instructions like this and had to say to myself "Guess this is right.... will see".

Your "pretty tight" and their "pretty tight" can be two different things.... as well as "a little tighter". :banghead:

Not trying to step on toes or start a argument. Be nice to have some way of measuring tightness and therefore be more accurate.

Can't really grasp what could be the problem. On car engines it's a good idea to degree the cam in order to make sure the timing is correct and also the cam grinder has not made any mistakes on grinding the cam.

I'm fortunate enough to have @warp9.9 in my garage today.

Been going at it all day, and it's a challenge.

No clattering now.

Not running (or, exceedingly rough and will not idle).

Seems too rich.

Verified spark on all plugs.

Tried four different maps, to see if that made any difference.

Just went through multiple revolutions of the motor with bright light down the spark plug holes and confirmed that the valves are doing what they're supposed to.

Wei made hamburgers from scratch and served cold, just right water melon.

So O.k. 4th.

Pizza on order.

News at 11.
No clattering now.

Not running (or, exceedingly rough and will not idle).

Seems too rich.

the warp man is in your garage, you lucky sod. if it's real rough, seems rich and won't idle, have you guys looked at MAP value/stuck a vac gauge on to see what vacuum it's pulling when cranking/running rough?

what ye reckon the clattering was, that clutch pullrod?