Old school people. Ruth, in the center, turned 90 last July. Smokes Parliments, drinks straight vodka with a water chaser on the side, here every afternoon for happy hour.
Old school people. Ruth, in the center, turned 90 last July. Smokes Parliments, drinks straight vodka with a water chaser on the side, here every afternoon for happy hour.
I remember working at 16 working as a stock boy - the lady manager sent me to the tobacco store every 3rd day to get her carton of Pall Mall's - NO FILTER!!!!
Old school people. Ruth, in the center, turned 90 last July. Smokes Parliments, drinks straight vodka with a water chaser on the side, here every afternoon for happy hour.
I LOVED the 60s!
I was old enough to enjoy the fruits of women during their "revolution" and young enough to believe the government knew best!
Viva la Democratic convention.
I got it. People learn from their mistakes and move on with a little better knowledge. I'm just looking at the positive side of Dirtbagbikers post (tongue in cheek). It was posted with positive intentions and that's the way I received it. I do understand what you're saying though.