Tried the foam earplugs I use at work on the way in this morning. Actually worse. If I open the face shield it helps some. It's not wind noise, if I pull in the clutch and let the engine idle down, the noise goes away. It's a loud, droning, irritating sound. It's the same way earplugs don't help much with low frequency sound like the idiots with the 1000 watt bass amps in their car. Or one crazy Mexican with a giant speaker on the back of his Harley ;)

Tried the foam earplugs I use at work on the way in this morning. Actually worse. If I open the face shield it helps some. It's not wind noise, if I pull in the clutch and let the engine idle down, the noise goes away. It's a loud, droning, irritating sound. It's the same way earplugs don't help much with low frequency sound like the idiots with the 1000 watt bass amps in their car. Or one crazy Mexican with a giant speaker on the back of his Harley ;)

Fred. it's tough to prove or disprove but I did experience something similar when I changed lids. But one issue I THINK is that the wind noise and high frequencies actually "helps" cover up other stuff. So when the wind is removed from the equation - the rest becomes more evident and annoying. So on one level the Arai is working.

Quick test - remove any screens and go for a ride.

IF the noise from the pipes is a dull low thudding sound then it is possible it's getting to your head via bone conduction. VERY unlikely if the lid is well padded but I have experienced similar sound issues with a NEW lid (A Schuberth) when the neck roll pinched just below the ears a bit. After some extended runs it went away.

BUT I CAN ATTEST TO THE FACT THAT 3M CLASSIC PLUGS DO NOT HELP. I bought a tester pack of dispose-ables - None were any real use o me - not even Pauls favorites. The No-Noise are better (best I have tried to date) but depending on your ears you may need either the motorsport or shooting filter versions. The "travel" filters are inadequate (from experience). I tried a selection of NoNoise as they are considered a health item here and and can be found lightly subsided in pharmacies.

I am looking forward to trying the Flare Isolate Mini. Though one factor concerns me a bit - ambient pressure rises/drops due to altitude changes. But it's not a day to day issue for me.

It's a small investment, mate. The Aluminium ones set me back 28€ via amazon. No-Noise are about 11€ (here) - Hardly a bank breaker.

A downside to ALL plugs. Your Tinnitus will seem worse. Gunfire (and M/C) in my case. Lots and lots of .22LR through a BSA 12/15. Even with hearing protection my right ear is notable less sensitive
Not really THAT expensive. And they do earphones. :coffee:

I am now having a think - DMAN YOU SIR;)

Edited - Just could not resist. Ordered a pair of the Aluminium ones to test via Amazon.

The Earphones are a wee bit expensive.

Ordered a pair.
If the plug is not 100% sealed and seated in bony ear canal, it makes things worse.
The only con is that one can loose them rather easily.

Had anyone seen a magnetic clip for the chin strap on the helmet?
Snapping the thing with gloves on 's an itch.