@Mad Dog was searching helmets not too long ago I think if I remember right he also needed an well a bigger head type helmet maybe he can chime in on some big boys that are available
I’ve owned a few helmets, it used to be there wasn’t much choice, you just suffered through a poor fit. It caused me to hate helmets, and I didn’t wear one if I could get away with it.
That’s not the case anymore, we’ve got choices, and we’ve got more reason to wear one, riding isn’t what it was 40-50 years ago, and I’m not 10’ tall and bulletproof anymore either.
I agree with the advice to try them on and find the one that fits YOUR head best, it’s more than just oval or round, your head is 3 dimensional, we all have different ears, jaws, cheeks and chins. If it’s uncomfortable it doesn’t matter how cool it looks or what the special features are, you aren’t going to like it.
I wear a 7 5/8” hat, my head is rounder. I spent months looking at shops trying on helmets finding the best fit. Some ran small some ran big, all offered a size big enough for my head, but many weren’t shaped ideally for me.
After best fit I was looking for a lightweight, trim, quiet full face (or modular) with good peripheral vision. Price was a secondary concern, these guys will all sell you a $1k helmet, but I don’t think you have to spend that to get everything you need.
I ended up with a
Simpson Venom in XL for $269, which according to Simpson customer service is the same helmet as the
Simpson Ghost Bandit at $470, the difference being the Venom is sold in Europe and isn’t given a DOT rating...so marketing.
All that said, if I’m not riding a dangerous route, it isn’t cold or raining and we aren’t using the intercoms my favorite is this little beanie half helmet, it’s light, comfortable and slides in a pannier for safe keeping
Crazy Al’s