Which Helmet.....

....or if you have a runny nose!..
Why is it, that when you have your full face helmet on....your nose gets itchy?...your gloved finger just wont quite reach so you wiggle your face as much as you can to try and get the itch!!:eek:
I currently own three helmets, on for goofing at bike meets/rallys, one for "coolness" (both temp-wise as the wind practically blows straight through it, and one for 'serious' driving.
muppet helmet01.jpg
"Cool" (The 1200 Bandit was quite cool as well but alas i sold it)
Tal, there are so many respectable makes out there, all compyling to the highest race/tech standards but all different in therir own way. The biggest difference seems to your own head shape, and therefore which manufacturer fits best! It is a matter of window shopping and trying on a lot of 'lids' to find which one suits you Sir!! Make sure you take the wife with you, then she might understand why you hate shopping for handbags...:sneaky::sneaky::roll::roll:
2nd that, try on if you can