Th resonance you speak of, in my experience is present in my Nexx XR1R, to some degree. Mine didn't do it until I fitted my CES though.
It is recommended by the AMA to wear plugs even with the quietest of helmets, as even the best sound control helmets still exceed 85db on the freeway.

I do not wish to ride deaf!
Just to eliminate wind noise is good for me.
Just sayin' . . .
Your not wrong about risk of loss at the prices they are. If I was outlaying that much I would use the grooves to secure a fine fishing line or wire to connect them together or attach each to your earrings and dangle them off them until you want to use. Would suit @barbagris and his Pirate ways and origins.;):p:D
I was thinking that maybe the neck cords sold for spectacle wearers might do the job. Never attach anything to your self that will HURT if ripped off. I may be a pirate but not stupid. The lack of said cord is what peeves me with the No-Noise. Only issue is that then - sometimes - the cords act as a noise generator. We'll see. Scheduled arrival - Friday.
Also just a point, try another bike that has 1,2,4, or 8 cylinders. 3 and 6 cylinder engines share secondary harmonics so if one engine causes a resonance it's highly likely the other configuration will as well.

My bell does not resonate at all, my shoei either, my Nexx does. It's kind of random which do and which don't, but if they do, there's next to nothing you can do to stop it. All 3 are expensive composite shells, all roughly the same external dimensions, all have massive view ports, like I said semi-random.

This is really interesting to me because that's what it sounds like with my Schubert C3Pro. Almost more like a buzzing at certain RPM's. It's not the volume that gets me, it's the vibration. I'm anxious now to borrow a helmet and go for a ride. I may have to put mine out front next to the mattress.:eek: Or get a 5 cylinder motorcycle.o_O
@Claviger Please start a new thread when you've found where they're selling the Sena helmets. I've used the Bose and other sound-cancelling headphones on flights, and they work.
@Claviger Please start a new thread when you've found where they're selling the Sena helmets. I've used the Bose and other sound-cancelling headphones on flights, and they work.

Will do. Had a quick look this morning, it seems they're still working on getting them on shelves for sale.