When I was in high-school, they had a shooting range out back, and I would borrow a neighbor's rifle, purchase 200 rounds, take the bus to school, and go shooting after class, before boarding the bus for the ride home. Noone ever said anything about hearing protection. I still can't hear well. I always have ear protection, and follow this thread with great interest. I will say after reading here about custom earplugs, I went to a local audiologist and had a pair made (and for my kids too). Then I immediately found I could use them at the range, but NOT/NOT on the motorcycle. My trouble is I have ears that stick out like Dumbo, and under a proper fitting helmet my ears get pressed back, changing the shape of my outer canal resulting in pressure points against the earplugs and almost instant pain.

I really would like to find a helmet - modular ideally but I'll settle for standard full face - that works behind my screen and keeps the noise below a dull roar.
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Which ARAI did you buy? my XD-4 is fantastic in the mostly-upright position, my Corsair V was great in the tuck position... different helmets are designed for different lean angles. If you ride the rocket you should have an adventure/touring type helmet. I've recently switched from Arai to Scorpion (Snell 2015 rated, just as good if not better then my corsair 5 for HALF the price). I'd recommend looking at Scorpion EXO-T1200 Helmet - Solid

Either way, plugs aren't a bad idea.
I have tried the plugs. Don't like them. Maybe a custom set might be worth it. The noise that bothers me is noise from other car tires. The engine noise does not bother me. Two motors in harmonic sync is actually soothing.

I get the best full helmet ride with no windshield. Let the helmet work clean air. With windshield is use 3/4 Bell 500. If its too hot, any good half skull cap will do. If it's cool, cover my ears with a head cap that I always wear under the helmet. That seems to help with the noise.
I have tried www.earplugsonline.com used them for a while and then found Macks which are silicone and are way cheaper. Had a friend who worked at USAIR and he gave me a bunch of foam ones which I hated as they never stayed in. Been using Mack's for a while now and they stay in real good and block the noise real good. I keep them in a case and when they get dirty I just chuck em!

Earplugs on bikes. There are plugs and plugs. I have used disposables as well as custom molded plugs and simply did not get on with either. I don't really like riding with my ability to hear reduced. I find that disposables especially increase my production of earwax. The Custom plugs were for shooting and I find them uncomfortable inside a lid.

Technology advances - I use these NoNoise Earplugs - Intelligent Hearing Protection . I was surprised how different the attenuation is between models. Their Shooting plugs are best for my ears. But for trips less than an hour - I don't bother. And Tinnitus sufferers need to look here Focus at Work • Relax at Home • Sleep at Night | myNoise ®
@scot in exile
What you state is all good dope, Amigo! :thumbsup:
I abused my hearing in my yute, racing motors and indoor shoot range at work. I lost 20% of my high range and use aids when in the courtroom or a business meeting. :(
I do know what 100db is. It was the metered test criteria for race motors at many of the tracks I raced at in the NW USA. :D
I must say that, based upon my many many years of experience out on the roadways of America, there is no way inside my helmet ever gets up to 100db!
Just FYI - my aids have a setting for bluetooth use that closes the sound off and renders them like plugs, except I can hear my GPS.
My problem seems to be the helmet itself seems to resonate with the exhaust sound. Even earplugs don't do much for it. I suspect since modern helmets fit tighter and contact as much of the head as possible to spread the impact load, they also transfer the exhaust sound to your skull where it's picked up by your ears. That would explain why earplugs don't help much. Wore my piss bucket the other night and what a pleasant ride that was. Tempted to go back even though I know better.

If it's that bad how about sending them back and try a different helmet?
I have tried different types of foam plugs and molded plugs, No-noise plugs (which were quite a bit better. I was never really happy with any of them until I got Flare Isolate Pro Mini Titanium plugs. They work better than any other plug that I have tried. They cost a small fortune but they do have a cheaper Aluminum model.


Isolate MiNi
Which ARAI did you buy? my XD-4 is fantastic in the mostly-upright position, my Corsair V was great in the tuck position... different helmets are designed for different lean angles. If you ride the rocket you should have an adventure/touring type helmet. I've recently switched from Arai to Scorpion (Snell 2015 rated, just as good if not better then my corsair 5 for HALF the price). I'd recommend looking at Scorpion EXO-T1200 Helmet - Solid

Either way, plugs aren't a bad idea.

Mine is a Signet-Q Pro-Tour.