The Rocket has an "IN YOUR FACE" type of beauty that can only be appreciated by some. I mean in his day Joe Frazier was a bad dude ,not pretty, but I wouldn't have told im. Anyway if someone says something stupid about my rocket I'll probably be too far ahead of them to hear it.
Lots of people ask if it's a 6 cyl, most take me at my word that its a 3. But twice I've had someone actually walk to the other side to look for another set of pipes. I point at the filter and say intake, then point to the other side and say exhaust.
Don't forget that us Rocket owners are "Blessed". We are the chosen few who have the good taste & appreciation for style & form linked with the technical understanding that biggest is best & blows the arse out of the also rans. Of course on the other hand there is those with garish taste & no style & settle for a H.D. (Only joking) but only about the HD.