Why I Stopped Wearing Motorcycle Body Armour

If your grandmother had balls would she be your grandfather?? any protection is better than no protection, I always tell my students when it comes to helmets-- if you only like the very top of your head wear a half bucket, if you are quite fond of your cheeks wear a 3/4, if you happen to like all of your head wear a full face or at least a modular but anything is better than nothing.
I have to say that if anyone believed wearing armor in a higher speed/freeway crash was going to keep you from breaking a leg/arm or traumatic injury is dreaming. The armor in jackets and pants will most likely keep your skin where it likes to be and that's on your body. In a best care scenario if you go down at high speeds you will be on your back and slide for 200' before coming to a stop with minor bruises and maybe something broken. In reality if you flip and tumble at freeway speeds no amount of armor or helmet is going to save you from broken bones or trauma. I don't believe anyone believed that armor will keep you safe in higher speed collisions. Armor is to minimize injuries and trauma. Heavy emphasis on minimize. I don't think if I'm involved in a collision and go down I won't break something as I probably will. I won't have very severe road rash/abrasions this I know based on my protection. The helmet is for a slow impact collision. If I bang my head at higher speed I would have massive head trauma with or without a helmet but I'll minimize with my helmet thank you. I don't believe that anyone out there riding believes that armor will keep you from tumbling injuries and breaking bones. They do believe they are minimizing their injuries to a certain degree but if I hit something or go down at high speed there is nothing that will protect you from broken limbs and internal injuries. I'm just trying to even the odds a bit in my favor and if I go down it will in fact hurt but I'll keep the padded jacket/Boots and full face helmet on in the mean time. :thumbsup:
I have to say that if anyone believed wearing armor in a higher speed/freeway crash was going to keep you from breaking a leg/arm or traumatic injury is dreaming. The armor in jackets and pants will most likely keep your skin where it likes to be and that's on your body. In a best care scenario if you go down at high speeds you will be on your back and slide for 200' before coming to a stop with minor bruises and maybe something broken. In reality if you flip and tumble at freeway speeds no amount of armor or helmet is going to save you from broken bones or trauma. I don't believe anyone believed that armor will keep you safe in higher speed collisions. Armor is to minimize injuries and trauma. Heavy emphasis on minimize. I don't think if I'm involved in a collision and go down I won't break something as I probably will. I won't have very severe road rash/abrasions this I know based on my protection. The helmet is for a slow impact collision. If I bang my head at higher speed I would have massive head trauma with or without a helmet but I'll minimize with my helmet thank you. I don't believe that anyone out there riding believes that armor will keep you from tumbling injuries and breaking bones. They do believe they are minimizing their injuries to a certain degree but if I hit something or go down at high speed there is nothing that will protect you from broken limbs and internal injuries. I'm just trying to even the odds a bit in my favor and if I go down it will in fact hurt but I'll keep the padded jacket/Boots and full face helmet on in the mean time. :thumbsup:
I like your posting style. You refer to yourself and talk about me or I and avoid you and others. This whole motorcycling sport is very personal.

If you are an instructor or mentoring rookies then you should use your experience to help others improve their safety margins. I do see that as a different situation. Dave keep teaching others to live long and prosper.:thumbsup:
Rumor has it that Dave is smiling in this picture because he has a goat in front of him hidden in the nose of the side car.😉
