First ride with triple K&Ns

WELL SCREW IT! I can't leave well enuff alone. was gonna just leave the new RamAir covered with the bear claw, but WHAT F'N FUN WOULD THAT BE!!!!! Cut & grind baby, cut & grind... I can't imagine it any other way!
I'm blaming it on @BigNorm :roll: :roll: :roll:
Mate that looks triiik ! Love it .@BigNorm gonna be responsible for a bear claw deficit ! :whitstling: :thumbsup:
Hey, that's what I get, perhaps 30 to 33. The crooked route is all right. I don't ride too hard any more but open it up some most every ride. It was your ride depict that got me fired up. Probably will upgrade to a set of sidewinders. I like that triple fan look. For now it is just doing one thing at a time kind'a thing and learning how to work on the bike. Next will be RamAir.

Once you get started , it ain't as daunting as it seems . Then get good break down cover and ride it like you stole it ! Grins all the way and the knowledge that if you encounter a problem , there will always be someone on this site that has encountered the same and solved it . That's loads more reassuring than having to ask at your local garage ! :thumbsup:
WELL SCREW IT! I can't leave well enuff alone. was gonna just leave the new RamAir covered with the bear claw, but WHAT F'N FUN WOULD THAT BE!!!!! Cut & grind baby, cut & grind... I can't imagine it any other way!
I'm blaming it on @BigNorm :roll: :roll: :roll:
I like the cut of your jib sir , I really do ! :)
Just my humble take:
Exposing all that linkage bird-nest and filter increases cleaning chore and the "look" is not my preference.
Crank case breather is still stock. I taped up the hole that was left for now
Just a little curious - It looks great, but I am thinking about rain...what would happen riding in a rainstorm, wouldn't water get sucked in through the filters? Or am I being unmechanically inclined ignorant?
Just a little curious - It looks great, but I am thinking about rain...what would happen riding in a rainstorm, wouldn't water get sucked in through the filters? Or am I being unmechanically inclined ignorant?

I've read many posts from others here who say they've rode thru downpours with exposed k&n's and Ramair with no issues. And that's also without pre filters.