Engine sputtering and backfiring

Assuming the service centre has set the tps and found it ok which is possible wuth the triumph diagnostic tool. " the ecm receiving wrong voltage from the tps and changing ignition timing which is causing misfire is ruled out".
The next reason causing it maybe lean mixture!!
Tune modification experts has come into the scene and help now!!

That's why I said I have to ASSUME the problem's in the tune...the service guy I met yesterday didn't impress me much, in fact it was a little scary leaving my bike with him. He seemed about as sharp as the leading edge of a bowling ball...I can only take their word for it that they checked everything but the tune, and they knew what they were doing...
At least they didn't rack up a kin great bill to tell you there was nothing wrong with it.
I would've gladly done that if I knew where to find one in the Dayton OH area...also Cincy, Columbus, and Indy are not that far away either...
For you guys in the states..... Surly there are guys the modify bikes and have a Dyno machine....

WHERE TO start (they found no problem with the bike) sounds to me like they never drove the bike i would explain to the dealer how to duplicate the problem. once they see the problem they can either fix the problem or they can not. i would not let them get away with saying they could not find the problem.
u may have tied there hands by telling them not to change the ecu and they just didn't want to mess with it.
i would not assume that the problem is with the tune. but u could load another tune just to check it out. if u had tunecu
u need some one to duplicate the problem and know how to check it out. if u can not find some one like that u need to get the tunecu cable and down load the free tunecu program and then the guys on here can help u out.
This is from power commander website & is a great source for dyno tuners - They list as p/c tuners, but they dyno all - put in your area, it will bring up a map. choose some near you then scroll down the list of shop. Click on the shop & most have a web page so you can see what they specialize in:

Power Commander Motorcycle Fuel Injection Tuning Module

Note that the Triumph plug in system analyzer that the dealerships use will NOT directly identify a bad TPS. It's not a horrifically expensive part (around $120 IIRC) and is fairly easy to replace physically and relatively easy to set correctly with TuneECU.

Mark Dunn

We did load another tune and nothing changed. I'm going to grill the service manager when I go in to pick up the bike to find out exactly what they did, but I don't have much confidence in their service dept. They didn't seem to be very sharp, or that knowledgeable about the Rocket...me downloading the tune ecu program isn't going to do me any good...I don't have a laptop....

I need someone who is more Rocket specific, as I doubt any of these guys would be versed on hardware issues with the Rocket...these guys are probably "tune only" guys...