Engine light question

Thank you Trying to locate a desktop verion to put on laptop but it isnt available any longer Tried to download from another member, but could not get it to work as of now. will try and buy that model that you have used. Just a question ... does the unit plug into the normal 9 pin undr seat near left sid eof battery? mine is plugged into a component with I think 2 or 3 wires attached. Sorry, not much of a mechanic so far, but guess I will get better if I cant find a dealer to help. No one wants to touch a trike kit set up for some reason.. The motor has nothoing to do with its backend in my opinion....
Just some comments and errata: I've seen so many trike conversions with absolute wiring nightmares caused by unskilled/uncaring/lack of basic electrical knowledge that I truly understand why a dealer(s) just simply refuses to even look at your bike. They've just been burned too many times. Onward. Sounds like you have some accessory(s) that is/are using the OBD II port for power and possibly other things. There's a host of aftermarket accessories and gadgets that use the OBD port for no good reason other than they are trying to make their accessory install as user friendly as possible. I for one wish they would NOT do that. I understand why they do it, but the OBD port is a diagnostic tool and shouldn't be used as a short-cut/quickie hookup point. Anyway, sorry nothing I stated helps you with your current ventures. Time to get familiar with your bikes wiring, TuneECU and just remember: try to have some fun doing it. You'll eventually be able to handle the little bugaboos, get a handle on the true state of your bike. Always better to just be riding but I have to admit that the tech stuff I've learned out of necessity has saved much aggravation and down-time.
MISC: no more check engine light after 10 startups? Seems way too many restarts to me. Suspect the problem hasn't gone away but instead has just temporarily corrected itself and the ECU reset because it isn't currently seeing the malfunction. Sorry - my comment doesn't give you confidence that all is well. Such is life.