Momentary voltage drop? / check engine light


Along with my Fluke meter, I installed one of these to keep me aware of the voltage condition while riding. It will flash if over/under charging and is made by Kuriakyn. The only issue with this particular model is that it isn't water proof. I took the cover off it and sealed the joints with clear silicone seal to address that. There are other models made that you can use. At least something like this will give you some warning that you have a charging issue instead of leaving you on the side of the road with a dead battery.

would you please post link
i do not recollect how someone found this problem
or did they have a code number if so what was the number?
I have a ctek charger and use one of these, it blinks showing the current charge in green, yellow or red. Unfortunately I didn’t look at it before trying to start the bike 😅

It’s connected to the battery and is a quick connector to the charger.
