Do I need to install the Quick-Shifter on my R3GT?

I'm old school too. I don't go in for these kinds of things. Yes I know they can be useful and fun, but even when I ride a buddies bike with it, I don't use it.
I am old school to and I think that it would be great for that early morning ride with a cup of coffee and the cigar.
I understand that you're excited to ride your 2500cc bike, but I am concerned about your safety and the safety of others on the road after reading what you said above.

Would you mind sharing with me your level of driving experience in general, as well as with this powerful bike specifically?
Get it. It’s a fun tool. Just hold the throttle WAO and keep hitting that shifter.
Lol. Remind me never to let you ride my Ducati. 180 bhp, 169 kg dry weight, zero electronics - no TC, no ABS, and a 1:1 cable throttle. It's like a smiling thug in a bar who's your best mate one minute and high-siding you the next if you wanna try and play. Be a rider not a passenger.

Actually, that sounds a bit harsh... maybe just my prejudice against electronic rider aids showing.
Mind you, as a qualifier, I do live in the UK where it's virtually impossible to find a stretch of road where you can just open the throttle and slot gears without being wiped out by something.
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Looks like this thread is getting personal where members are critical of others riding skills and habits. Don’t worry I won’t ask to ride anyone else’s bike or ride on the road with those not wanting to share the road with me.
It was a tongue in cheek comment. Hence the Lol.
Thanks for the clarification. I like my quick shift when I choose to use it. It’s just a fun feature. I’ve ridden KTM, Aprilia and a 240 Carpenter Rocket so I do know how to control big power. It’s all in the right hand and good judgement.;)