Do I need to install the Quick-Shifter on my R3GT?

The simple answer is NO
You definitely do NOT HAVE TO install a quickshidter but it's well worth it fun wise. I never had one before I got it for a GT version but and wasn't sure if it was worth 500CAD but ..... It is fun!!!
And if at any point you don't want to use it you just use clutch as usual. I am still a bit unsure about downshifting and catch myself using a clutch a lot when going down the gears but less and less.
You will not be disappointed
Downshift with zero throttle and while engine braking, smooth as silk.
I'm not a huge fan of some of the nanny devices on motorcycles today although the Quick shifter sounds fun. I have one on my Lexus and ignored it for 3 years. I then decided to play with it and it is pretty entertaining. I very seldom use it but on occasion I do just for grins. The same would apply with the Rocket. Merging onto the freeway would be a snap so it's just something else to have fun with while riding. I may just do it. :thumbsup:
Back several posts- well, that was all a bit bizarre 🤷🏼‍♂️, wasn't it? Glad it was resolved amicably (this site has evolved from the 2.3 days)..... but it goes in that list of things that makes you say, whaa?

I think I'll pass on the quickshifter- maybe if I didn't have to take it to the dealer (I'm alergic). Most all of my riding is in the twisties and I really enjoy the shifting and downshifting process.

Just think if you only had only one gear and no need to even move your foot, how boring that would be. Oh, he11, I think I'm one of the old timers now...

Still, I read some convincing arguments for it....
I'm not a huge fan of some of the nanny devices on motorcycles today although the Quick shifter sounds fun. I have one on my Lexus and ignored it for 3 years. I then decided to play with it and it is pretty entertaining. I very seldom use it but on occasion I do just for grins. The same would apply with the Rocket. Merging onto the freeway would be a snap so it's just something else to have fun with while riding. I may just do it. :thumbsup:
Plus it’s great when you just want to be lazy in town.
I have ridden a Rocket with one fitted and it makes a big difference in launching the bike so just bought the kit myself, If I fit it cant I just go into settings to activate it rather than having to take it to Triumph?
I have ridden a Rocket with one fitted and it makes a big difference in launching the bike so just bought the kit myself, If I fit it cant I just go into settings to activate it rather than having to take it to Triumph?
You MUST go to triumph regardless of you fitting it or not because of activation in the ECU/computer+ calibration of quick assist timing.
Quick shifts are amazing. All it does is suspend the ignition for a millisecond enough that the gears can slam together with no harm.
I'm good enough on my ninja that I can almost shift as fast because Kawasaki makes gears the right size to bang shift at the rev peak. But nothing compared to a quick shift kit seriously if you want to go as fast as possible