If you're not S ZAK from London, ON then my apologies. If you are, my comments hold true. I have the Facebook chats. Here is his FB Profile page, look familiar?? Seems like whoever he is this guy is trying really hard to be cool by posting a picture that isn't him overlayed in front of his bike. Seems kinda lame, not cool.
As to what mileage one needs to confidently say "I think I am good", that really is up to the rider. I guess I was just noting that I wasn't a "new rider" as was suggested or new to the Rocket line. Between the three that I've owned, it's north of 150,000km. I feel pretty confident that I am good, nah in reality, I'm extremely seasoned on the bike. I ride, sun, rain, hail, heat, cold, you name it, I ride in it, and not just to the local show and shine. Have a look for my YouTube channel (@Technoguppy). You can see some of my many rides there. Tail of the Dragon, Cabot Trail, local roads, not so local roads, etc..
At the end of the day, I was looking for any opinion on the use of the Quick Shifter, and for the most I got some valid and decent perspectives from both sides. To those who contributed in a positive way in support of another Rocket Captain, thanks!