Do I need to install the Quick-Shifter on my R3GT?

To be sure I re-read your posts in this thread... I think you are thinking you are asking questions but you're not. You're just making statements that somehow you'd like a response to... The questions you did ask, I answered. As to what "impressions" you get from my post, that's on you, not me. Maybe you're not so cool after all.
Happy Easter.
The simple answer is NO
You definitely do NOT HAVE TO install a quickshidter but it's well worth it fun wise. I never had one before I got it for a GT version but and wasn't sure if it was worth 500CAD but ..... It is fun!!!
And if at any point you don't want to use it you just use clutch as usual. I am still a bit unsure about downshifting and catch myself using a clutch a lot when going down the gears but less and less.
You will not be disappointed
As you can see in my signature, you're both wrong but thanks for playing along. With 150,000km between them, I think I'm good.

@imcool didn't you mention to me somewhere that the Rocket 3 is your FIRST bike over 300cc? Pretty sure that you quoted my message to you from a year or so ago... I was actually looking out for your safety (and others). As I recall, you wanted to take the bike out for a spin when it got to 12C one day in March cause you thought you needed to slush the oil around the engine casing... same guy? Didn't I try to talk you out of it?
im just having a laugh at your ride how you like...the rocket does bring out the boy in us!
Above all a motorcycle needs to be fun for me. If I sum up the new Rocket in one word I say it is fun. Using that torque and going up the gears is intoxicating and the quick shifter magnifies the fun factor.

Any one that has ridden with me knows I ride spiritedly, some might not approve but remember you can’t please everybody.
I have thought about installing the quick shifter also...the cost involved makes me think 'Do i need it or do i want it?" have a friend who has one on his 'R' model and loves it. I'm pretty sure it would bring out the boy in me more often if i did have it.....winter is coming here soon too...lots of ice etc as we ride all year here most of us unless its snow on the ground or its chucking it down. The cold we put up a point!
A lot of responses in the "Nah, you don't need it" camp and a few more in the "Hell yes, it add another level to the bike" camp.

So I'll likely not. As much as I love to get up through the gears, I still want the control for slow speed maneuvers.

I have my 32,000km service on my R3GT in a couple of weeks and if they have it there for two days, they could get it done.

For you cool "newer" riders of the Rocket 3, a service is something you do when you get up in miles to keep your bike in peak performance. In this case, it's the valve clearance check and adjustment that really requires some the standard ECU updates and fluid checks, etc....

Please do share the total service cost. Just curious about how much they charge us in Canada.