Decosse's keyless ignition

Your kit (and others from recently) has the connection made in a different location John, so most will not be able to help you with a picture

The description in the install guide should give a pretty well-defined identity I would have thought:

There is one free Orange Wire from the alarm connector – this is for the Clutch Switch Trigger & will be connected at Black/Orange wire at the Main Harness connector which mates to the Left-Bar-Switch – important that you positively identify the correct wire! This connector will be located just behind the steering head (follow the cable harness from the Left Bar-Switch till you meet the connector. The Black/Orange Wire will be on the Main Harness side of that connector set (note that alternatively you can connect to the Black Wire that is opposite the Black/Orange wire on the Switch Harness Side, if that is more accessible. The Orange Wire will be connected using the supplied PosiTap.

Here's a picture but it probably does not help much more vs the description - it should be fairly obvious if you just follow the harness down from the left switch on the bar.
As it says in the guide (and above) it will probably be easier to access the Black Wire on the Switch side of the connector rather than the Orange/Black on the Main Harness side (but either will work )
Note that for this example, the user connected to the black wire side of the connector
In this image you can't really see the connector itself, hence the description to follow it from the bar.

Just want to say, I'v ridden in a couple of torrential down pours since installing, no issues whatsoever from the setup :)
The clutch switch remains the weak point from the 'wetness' perspective - I think bigger consequence from washing than rain though :D
Is there a water-proof update to the original wireless kit?
I shall indeed pay additional attention to the clutch switch at the bar, right?
Steve S.
I am considering going to a keyless system since my recent issues. First I need to complete the deep cleaning I started last night.

I had the entire left handlebar assembly replaced under warranty due to rain infiltration causing the switches to go out. Reading about the clutch switch being the weak water entry point, gives me the idea that Triumph engineers either live where it never rains (UK?) or think Triumph riders are like Harley folks and only ride on pristine days. Really wished these electrical components/system were more robust from the factory.
Here's a video of the KeyLess system operation, graciously provided buy our very own @mully95 - big thanks, Marland!
(But next time, turn your phone sideways!) :D :laugh: ;)

Of course he has stepped through each part of the sequence (which I have described verbally in the comments) deliberately and slowly to illustrate what is going on at each step
Normally you would just get on, set Kill to 'Run' (if not already there), pull the clutch and start and go.

You turned the kill switch BACK ON??? :eek:

Sure - why not?
That is pretty much what I do too, after turning off makes no difference if you turn back on again and leave it like that
There's not a 'right' or 'wrong' method there, just your personal preference; the system doesn't care if you turn it back on again immediately, or wait until you return to your bike (after an armed/disarmed sequence) to do it.
If you're in habit of leaving it in Kill and making your first action after disarm to set it back to Run only prior to pulling clutch, that's OK too, no need to change your process.
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