Cracked screen

it will definitely help in long run because it wont turn yellow like all headlight glass in the world
it will definitely help in long run because it wont turn yellow like all headlight glass in the world
I understand that for sure although I don't keep my bike outside or in the sun other than when riding it. If it turns yellow from that limited exposure then we all should be worrying. My concern is the glass/plastic catching the sun light at the wrong/right angle that can act as a magnifying glass and warp/crack/melt the glass. Just curious if the protector film would remedy that. Maybe I worry about insignificant crap sometimes but I still would like to know.
The film protector kits I've seen are just little pieces to apply between the bezel openings. I don't really see that preventing a crack when a lot of the clock face isn't even covered with film. Maybe I'm over-thinking it too.
Graphene is a really good option to protect most of everything on your bike including the dash. Read up on it. I have had 2 Rockets now first one I only used ACF50 to cover up the brushed stainless pieces as they got tarnished. Second one I covered all mirrors, stainless bits, dash with graphene. Major difference and no need for constant maintenance.
everyone with cracked screens, i thought i was the lucky one no issues like this, got the bike back from the dealership yesterday, and wouldn't you know it, cracked screen, go figure, you all are bad luck. although a great source of information, entertainment and amusement

Warranty same place mine cracked and many others
I have a screen protector but haven't applied it yet- maybe I should, or it won't make any difference.

You guys with cracked screens- where are you located? It seemed from what I was reading a while back that most people with these were in Australia. @ArekDeBoss you're in Lalaland. I've been there, but forget when or where I was and everything else from that night

@Dr.D I don't think your screen cracked, did it? I thought it just went out on you.
@Journeyman - my bike is from Canada and survived the -40C winter in a shed. Now it is in Europe and it happened around -2C. Logically thinking temperature should be contributing but not sure.
@Journeyman - my bike is from Canada and survived the -40C winter in a shed. Now it is in Europe and it happened around -2C. Logically thinking temperature should be contributing but not sure.
Sounds like we're all susceptible then, not just a bad batch that went out to a certain region.