Carpenter 240 pack

In the end Hart is happy but the problems his shop had with the install had nothing to do with Carpenter Racing they gave instructions on how to dial the cams so timing is right and if they do not want to perform that vital operation right well its on them. Same with pipes Carpenter states the need for larger pipes to get the claimed HP no matter what kit and if your not going to follow their advice you can not complain about not getting the numbers where they should be. This actually happens quite often when People try to redesign a kit that has been proven to work. Its not just pipes its intake systems also. I can understand how frustrating Bob gets with some of the most lame arse questions. Even when they are funny, picture this a Captain calls and asked if Bob is controlling the compression by lengthening or shortening the rods. No thought about high compression pistons just change the stroke on the pistons that are there.

Funny yet time consuming for somone who is on the clock trying to machine components. Any man can only take so many bucket stupid questions before he responds in kind.

You say word of mouth is enough, Well I suggest you listen to complete word of mouth. In other words listen to the happy customers also as I believe there are more of them then negative. If all you look for is negative **** then that is all you will ever see. Listen to them fellers and you will be on a dark side before long which robs HP while giving you the false feeling you gained in torque :D

Then you can really waste your money adding power just to have it sucked away.
I can't say the problem was 100% the shop as carp did credit them some money for "parts". I didn't ask too much about it at the time, but either way carp DID stand behind the work and sent the shop $$ so it wasn't passed to me - my shop did charge me half rate labor to redegree the cam, but it wasn't that much $$. I really didn't place blame to anyone. Carp did forget to send the clutch springs, but they shipped them to the shop the next day, so the service I found to be impressive too.

Yep, I am happy, but it is totally a personal call. I just have gotten lots from the rocket community so I wanted to post my experiences for others. I am not trying to say someone should, or shouldn't do it - just trying to give my experience.
I can't say the problem was 100% the shop as carp did credit them some money for "parts". I didn't ask too much about it at the time, but either way carp DID stand behind the work and sent the shop $$ so it wasn't passed to me - my shop did charge me half rate labor to redegree the cam, but it wasn't that much $$. I really didn't place blame to anyone. Carp did forget to send the clutch springs, but they shipped them to the shop the next day, so the service I found to be impressive too.

Yep, I am happy, but it is totally a personal call. I just have gotten lots from the rocket community so I wanted to post my experiences for others. I am not trying to say someone should, or shouldn't do it - just trying to give my experience.

Ok lets get this bull pucky straight. You accidently got charged for pistons which you did not order so Bob Refunded the money. Plain and simple because Bob is a honest man. Why your shop did not tell you this is hard to say. Maybe they were trying to cover up the fact that they installed the cams incorrectly. They thru the cams in snugged the bolts up with their fingers and never dialed them up. Yep never even torqued them to the new kit specifications in fact never torqued them at all. And then were so Rock stupid as to wonder what problem was. Go figure:eek:

This is why having a shop that thinks they know what their doing can be dangerous. You are lucky you did not need a whole new head from broken and bent valves, along with bent cams. Oh and broken pistons with screwed up liners.

Like the poor feller that owns this 07 head

(Of course Bob being as good as he is just finished revivng this bike and it pulled 243 hp and something like 183.9 FTlbs of torque)

Whats really funny is your shop was not the first brain surgeon to screw this up. I can think of at least two other shops that have. And both captains are on both sites.

This is why people should consider having the kit done by Bob as if something as bad as that happend he would have fixed it quicker then stink on crap.

Now I am not saying a Captain can not install this kit because that is false. I personnally along with R3turbo did our own installs. Yet even though R3Turbo is on the other side of the world he still followed instructions with total positive results. You just have to have a tech with one more operating brain cell then a dead cow!!!!

Now as for Arts linguistic skills I can not attest to what had been said in private conversations. I can say after reading your begining post which make it sound like Carpenter Racing screwed you when in reality you went to a privated shop and pay for your own raping!!!! I mean come on you let a shop charge you half rate to go back and dial the cams they should have done in the first place. Again go figure?

The Clutch springs are on them I am glad they shipped them to you the next day. But that does not surprise me Bob is that way if he messed up or in this case the kid that packaged the kit up made a mistake, Bob will not stop until it is corrected.

The good thing is your motor did not get destroyed by the shop you took it to and you are happy with the power and your stead period.
I am just reporting what I heard on my end, sorry my OP made it sound that I hated carp - things were not as expected and I was asking for ideas, once I found out the Harley place dyno sucked I posted that and have tired to post every valid chunk of info as it happened.

FYI the amount I bank transfered to them was $3460. Heck I can show the wire transfer. I didn't think that price inculded pistons, but I didn't ask specifics to either carp or my shop about it. Since that price included a discount for wire transfer and was close to the website I assumed the parts refund was for something that went wrong. If anyone really cares here is Struthers brothers # 515-282-3634

No I didn't do tons of checking, just reporting and regretting posting. I have used that shop before as have many others and not had any problems problems with custom or warranty work. I have more reason to trust them than carp is why I paid them.
Sounds to me like Hart likes what he got and has commended Carp racing for the good job....Lay off the fellow..........hes just trying to report his findings the best way he knows how....and he has corrected any "miss talk" that may have been taken the wrong way.......

Thanks for the info Hart....Ive been considering the 210 pack and the bottom end does concern me.....appreciate the "honest" feed back ;)

That is a tricky one, since the bike has so much more power on these long straight low density Iowa roads I go much faster, so I can't really give an answer on highway. I did install the roadster flyscreen since I can go so much faster! City is much worse mileage, since you have to rev the bike to at least 2k and ride the clutch leaving each stop and downshift around corners where before you could just leave it in gear and roll on the throttle smoothly. Really the bike is a different animal now, so it depends how you ride it, lots of highway at the same speed you might see an improvement.

So overall for me it is worse, but that is because you want to tap into all that power! Stock the fun is way down low in the RPMs to mid range, now it hates low RPM and just starts getting going 3.5-4k.
That is a tricky one, since the bike has so much more power on these long straight low density Iowa roads I go much faster, so I can't really give an answer on highway. I did install the roadster flyscreen since I can go so much faster! City is much worse mileage, since you have to rev the bike to at least 2k and ride the clutch leaving each stop and downshift around corners where before you could just leave it in gear and roll on the throttle smoothly. Really the bike is a different animal now, so it depends how you ride it, lots of highway at the same speed you might see an improvement.

So overall for me it is worse, but that is because you want to tap into all that power! Stock the fun is way down low in the RPMs to mid range, now it hates low RPM and just starts getting going 3.5-4k.
Very interesting I always thought you had to lose something at the bottom end to have s large gain in the top end, my experience from building a few hi per v8 many years alway meant a bottomend loss even wheni used to do my own port and polishing on two stroke dirt bikes and made them into giant killers they always lost bottom end,
Thanks for the honest info Hart
I'm sorry, I must have been confusing - yes there is a loss on the bottom and it only starts coming on strong mid range 3 or 4k and after that its a wild ride! I think before 4k it doesn't pull quite as strong, I am guessing the tq is lower at that point (than pre carp but with the intake and pipes) before it builds up. It's about 125ft/lb at 4k give or take.