Carpenter 240 pack

I hear the early PCV units had a problem. Not sure whats going on with yours Gary I am sure Bob wlll sort it out though.

I added their components to my Supercharged beast.

Man talk about power I can only say its like a cat shot on a aircraft carrier seems no end to the pulling power

I do not use the PCV yet thats next on the list, but then I do not have the smaller stock injectors in mine.
Fuel mileage went up to 38 mpg on the higway criuse from 30 with the TTS kit.

I did the instal myself as I am more then 700 miles from them. Someday I will get it there for some tuning and racing at atco.

our target hp was 3 hp per cubic inch 420 rwhp after that if the tranny can handle it I will turn the boost up more:D

There may be even more powerful beasts than this...but THIS is my favorite R3 by far! Well done Warp9! 420 ponies would even move my ass!
Welcome from Dry Ridge Kentucky, USA. I talked to Scot, Warp9, and he said that his bike is normal until you twist the wick and let her kick. I don't know if the 240 pack comes with the supercharger. Warp9 might have added that.
I'm not sure, but I think you can buy the cams and things from Carpenter Racing and your mechanics in Singapore should'nt have a problem installing them.
Hey Drac, you really got to see that bike in the sun. If you don't like the color, you just move around it. It is purple, orange, and, well all kinds of colors.
"It's a horse of a different color"! The only one like it.
Beast welcome to the forum!
Do yourself a favor, whichever kit you decide to go for, let them install it, they can tune your bike to the kit better than anybody else, :):)

Hi Mexican,

Thanks for the advice. I really wish I could but unfortunately I'm thousands of miles away and so that option is unfortunately ruled out for me.
Welcome Beast my advise would be to log onto the site and talk to Art "Imfasttoo" is his handle he does alot of work with carpenter and is the man with his finger on the pulse when it comes tho the 210-240+hp carp packages. Goodluck regards Mitch and welcome from Brisbane Australia

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Hi Mitch,

I'll do just that. Thanks so much!
Welcome from Dry Ridge Kentucky, USA. I talked to Scot, Warp9, and he said that his bike is normal until you twist the wick and let her kick. I don't know if the 240 pack comes with the supercharger. Warp9 might have added that.
I'm not sure, but I think you can buy the cams and things from Carpenter Racing and your mechanics in Singapore should'nt have a problem installing them.

Hi Kid,

That sounds exactly like what I want.
The 240 comes with hi-comp cams. No supercharger. Can't do that here anyways coz the local authorities are a total b***h when it comes to mods. That's why the cylinder head cam route is the best for me coz all "hidden" inside.
Thank you all for making me feel so welcome. This is truly a great place to be. Among passionate owners of the world's most amazing bike.
Chameleon paint

Hey Drac, you really got to see that bike in the sun. If you don't like the color, you just move around it. It is purple, orange, and, well all kinds of colors.
"It's a horse of a different color"! The only one like it.

Actually, the paint is a species of "chameleon" that changes hues with differing vantage points. I have it on my super custom VTX as well. Exactly the same shade. LUV it! As far as all the upgrades it's gonna be either the 210 kit for me or maybe the blower. Already have NOS and other trick stuff....and my dogs get all my spare coin these days.;)
Big Boiz

Thank you all for making me feel so welcome. This is truly a great place to be. Among passionate owners of the world's most amazing bike.

Welcome Beast! The R3 is pretty cool huh? Not my favorite bike but in the top five anyway. V-Max has it beat hands does the awesome new Diavel by Ducati but this big bad Triumph is a great bike! Has lots of potential for augmentation by superior outfits like Carpenter Racing, Boost is Good, Rotrex and others. With enough dinero and work and high end components you too can run with the big boyz!:cool:
G'day Beast, welcome from Canberra. Hadn't noticed that you'd snuck in here amongst the power junkies. Good to have you onboard. I'd be very interested to hear how you go with a souped up Rocket in Singapore. Can't see you using too much of it down Orchard Road! ;) Good luck with your mods whichever way you go and keep us posted.