Carpenter 240 pack

Hart I have followed your posts and I want to say Good Job mate.. Its not easy to give unbias infromation and it always seems to upset someone somewhere.:)

Unfortunatly written word can sometimes be mis-interpeted and your meaning is lost.

Thanks Hart for putting in the effort and reporting to us whilst going through some unfortunate experiences.

Hope the beast runs well, take care.

Really appreciated..:cool:
Very interesting I always thought you had to lose something at the bottom end to have s large gain in the top end.................

That's exactly what I have always understood Hanso. The figures that Carpenter are getting are impressive, especially for a non-pumped motor - but there didn't seem to be any mention of low engine speed losses, which puzzled me.

..................................Unfortunatly written word can sometimes be mis-interpeted and your meaning is lost.

You have it in one there, oh how I wish I could get the full meaning across with the written word. :eek:
A Rocket that needs the clutch slipped to 2K and to be running at more than 3-3.5K doesn't sound like much fun to me and virtually no use as an every day ride - which mine is. Horses for courses I guess.
A Rocket that needs the clutch slipped to 2K and to be running at more than 3-3.5K doesn't sound like much fun to me and virtually no use as an every day ride - which mine is. Horses for courses I guess.

I wouldn't judge by hart's, he doesn't have the 240 pac with proper exhaust, I haven't heard anyone who did state similar.
I have talked with a few others that have lamented the bottom end loss via PM's with the 240 kit too, but I don’t have any experience with that kit. But warp is right, it could very well be an issue with my bike – I will report back when the Jardines get tuned, but I honestly think it’s a trade off and the bottom loss wouldn’t be quite as much with the 240 kit. Would be interesting to hear from owners of the kits that have put a few thousand miles on it, (and don’t have a personal link with carp shop) not just taking the bike out for a few miles or on a track since you tend to ride differently in that situation.

I ride with sport bikes and other modified cruisers, but if you just like to cruise roll on for the TQ but rarely take the bike to redline you really want to think hard about the mods. There are plenty of dyno charts on this site of triple K&N and all sorts of pipes. Compare those to some of the carp charts and see if low and mid range are what you want. I have not seen a dyno of a carp kit below 3.5k. It would be interesting to see.

If anyone is on the fence about the kit, I would recommend posting some questions on both sites and asking people to PM you. I found that a good number of people won’t post (especially on the other site) just because of how nasty the conversation gets about the subject.
I can not speak for others but I have a little over 8000 miles on mine and can putter around at low rpms just fine. I would say it has more low end torque then a stocker in fact my stocker with Jardines feels like a dead moose everwhere compared to the Carpenter goodies (with the blower) Not sur eif the blower makes a difference. I know when my valve timing was off it would not idle worth a crap. I founf this out when the timing chain guide broke and it jumped time. It could also be a bent valve if the actually hit the pistons. You can look at them with a scope. If you want to take the cam cover off you can also verify by bucket clearance. a whole bunch means the vavle is not closing. Hopefully this is not the case. But others have bent the valves not having the valve timing event right.
Now I am not saying a Captain can not install this kit because that is false. I personnally along with R3turbo did our own installs. Yet even though R3Turbo is on the other side of the world he still followed instructions with total positive results. You just have to have a tech with one more operating brain cell then a dead cow!!!!


I'm sorry, I must have been confusing - yes there is a loss on the bottom and it only starts coming on strong mid range 3 or 4k and after that its a wild ride! I think before 4k it doesn't pull quite as strong, I am guessing the tq is lower at that point (than pre carp but with the intake and pipes) before it builds up. It's about 125ft/lb at 4k give or take.

are you running the stock exhaust?
Someone on this site or the other posted the full dyno chart with stock, and with the Carpenter kit, it (Carpenter's) showed higher torque all the way from the bottom. Wish I could remember the thread. If I remember right, hart is running a 210 package with stock, or maybe TORs, so it's comparing apples and oranges.
Someone on this site or the other posted the full dyno chart with stock, and with the Carpenter kit, it (Carpenter's) showed higher torque all the way from the bottom. Wish I could remember the thread. If I remember right, hart is running a 210 package with stock, or maybe TORs, so it's comparing apples and oranges.

sounds like a crap exhaust alright as i left the stock exhaust on temporarily to see exactly what difference it makes for myself. 175hp it maxed at and the torque is same as harts, 125 at 4k.
but i dont know about this revving to 2k just to roll off bidness. yes i will say my torque curve moved from max @3k to max @5k but stayed the same in max value, 145.
but my driveability is still good, better than your average little harley or sports.

what i notice is the torque around idle is well down. stock i could move off under clutch alone in 2nd, like a petrol car does in 1st.
in 1st i would move off under clutch alone same way a diesel car would move off in 1st under clutch alone.
idling at 7-800 in 1st it would pull me up the hill into my gaf. idling in 2nd it would pull me up too but faster.
now it will only move off weakly in 1st under clutch alone/idle rpms.

however having communicated with a few dudes who have proper exhausts i can see they have heaps of torque down low, and the dyno charts illustrate this. scavenging and all that stuff

so im like a kid coming up to xmas now waiting for exhaust fitting time, so i can unleash another 50hp/35ft and get the real low down grunt back too.