@cr0ft This should be right up your alley. If you click on the link "SH847" in my signature (by the way, would be good for you to update your profile to add the year of your bike, please), you'll see the beautiful description by
@DEcosse of how the design of the Rocket electrics has the stator working at full capacity all the time independent of need, and uses a shunt R/R that taps the energy as needed for operation and charging, and so on. In that thread, you can see a thermal image made of a bike running with that design. The newer design is a series R/R, and it only draws from the stator what is needed.
The idea here, is with a relatively cheap and straightforward mod, one can place less stress on a part that requires the whole bike to be taken apart to get to, and with your sentiment (which I share) of being buried with your bike, you might actually care (and I know you do) about the long term health of the bike.
Have fun !
And if you can't put it under the left side cover, it would just be a matter of extending the large gauge wires for the current R/R to wherever is your new chosen location -- and I know you know how to do that too.