Well I am here to get advice on mods, hear some good stories and meet some good people. I love being an American, I love guns, and I love motorcycles of all types. This R3R I just happen to love more than some of the others I have owned. I also believe in American Exceptional-ism, I hate our current crop of useless liberal leaders in the White House. I am disappointed that there are folks that think my story is a bash on any other bike. It was a story about some smug guy that wanted to show off in front of another bike. I just took him to task and he got mad and took his bike and went home. I think that was hilarious and I shared it. One not some had something negative to say about that story. And considering i am on a pro Rocket forum that just blows me away that some doesn't like to be proud of their motorcycle and thinks others shouldn't be either. But if you didn't want to get into you shouldn't have. I suppose you guys are a lot like American liberals and think that everyone deserves a first place ribbon regardless of their efforts and overall level of success. Have a nice day, I am off to hunt some bad ass biker types with my Exceptional Triumph Rocket III Roadster. And if you and your buddy don't like that, you can kiss my American Ass.