Rocket Xtreme
"Hearses don't have Hitches"
I ran into a guy at a light yesterday. He was on an all blacked out Fury. When I pulled up along side of him he said, Oh a Triumph huh? I said "YUP" a fury Huh? He said "Yes and I just put new pipes on it" twisted his throttle to let me hear how loud it was. I said nice I like your front wheel, he said "Its a 21 inch pretty cool right?" I said sure and smiled. The light turned green and he ripped it in first gear, I laughed for a second and let the clutch lever go, twisted the throttle about 1/3 and scared the S++t out of that guy. Got to the next stop sign and then, He says "WTF is that thing?" I said its a Triumph Huh! He said "WTF size engine is that?" I said its 140 cubic inches, whats your like 80 cubic inch or something? He gave me the finger and turned left. HA HA HA HA HA (evil laugh)!!!!!! I LOVE MY FU++ING ROCKET!!!!!
Awesome story! I love to make them have "bike envy"