I ran into a guy at a light yesterday. He was on an all blacked out Fury. When I pulled up along side of him he said, Oh a Triumph huh? I said "YUP" a fury Huh? He said "Yes and I just put new pipes on it" twisted his throttle to let me hear how loud it was. I said nice I like your front wheel, he said "Its a 21 inch pretty cool right?" I said sure and smiled. The light turned green and he ripped it in first gear, I laughed for a second and let the clutch lever go, twisted the throttle about 1/3 and scared the S++t out of that guy. Got to the next stop sign and then, He says "WTF is that thing?" I said its a Triumph Huh! He said "WTF size engine is that?" I said its 140 cubic inches, whats your like 80 cubic inch or something? He gave me the finger and turned left. HA HA HA HA HA (evil laugh)!!!!!! I LOVE MY FU++ING ROCKET!!!!!

Awesome story! I love to make them have "bike envy" :)
I'm happy to have a play with others riding certain brands of bikes that want to throttle blip and give dangerous stares , if that makes me a wanker or tool in the eyes of some I'll swallow that pill as I really don't give a ratsass what they think , I enjoy seeing the occasional look of surprise on throttle blippers face at the next set of lights , how you enjoy your time on your bike is up to you :)

Well said!
I seriously think, wait scratch that: Know you are a douche bag! Please try not to have any more correspondence with me, at all if you could.I try to keep the trailer trash at an arms length.

I seriously doubt that's going to happen. I can see that you'll be presenting way too many opportunities to let them all go by. You realise you're showing everyone what an emotional little princess you are and I can assure you that is going to come back and bite you. You've been on here, what 5 minutes? and already telling people to shut up. I don't think so. Now settle down and stop taking it all so seriously.
Gee I haven't seen a Charles atlas Add since I was a 90lb weakling admittedly that was when I was 14years old ,I actually bought a Spring chest expander and all I got from it was sore arms , a few years of hard work and mums good cooking soon filled me out to a decent size no sand in the face for this Aussie:laugh::laugh::laugh:
I like to have fun just as much as anyone on here and I love sharing stories of achievements,especially where it involves some type of skill or humour or innovation. Pride in our rides is universal and applauded. Recounting a story about blasting past a Honda Fury is only moderately more interesting and impressive than say, dragging off a GS500. You and the 2nd poster have chosen to get yourselves all worked up over a comment and opinion you didn't agree with. You're the ones who need to get lives.

worked up? no, Just rattling a few cages.;);)
Folks who get upset about a story (good or bad) meed to stured up every once in a while. I mean no harm. so sorry if I made you cry.:D

If you will notice, not many come to your defense here. We all already know Richard well. No reason to expect him to change. Might as well let it go 'cuz he won't stop.