" This is a quote you made on Justin Wall post about Custom Oil embellishers. "I'd like one that says 170 cubic inches, which is 2800cc. - just to really give Harley owners the sh1ts. 183 cubic inches (3000) might be a bit too much of a stretch but even more fun perhaps. Rocket has nothing to prove and it's better to leave them guessing or just plain intimidated." It appears as though you maybe speaking out of both sides of your mouth when you criticize myself and FunksoulBro for telling our stories about how great are Rockets are while we are on a Pro Rocket Forum. And I am not sure why your not on say a Vespa site if you dont want to talk about the greatness in The Triumph Rocket. You dont seem to understand why a group of people that are into modifying, riding and enjoying their Rockets are all about. And I am not sure why you would reference your penis either. Wait! I think I may have an idea! You are 5' nothing and you are sick of looking up at the world and you have nothing better to do but get on some ones case that lives on the other side of the planet, RIGHT? CanberraR3 you also to appear to be a raging D-bag.

FFS, another one who can't or won't or doesn't read posts and then gets his panties in a twist over what he thinks he read. You got relatives out here?
Mate, I've never said I wasn't proud of my Rocket nor that I didn't enjoy the fact it intimidates people. I just don't see the need to get excited about passing a lesser bike or poking fun at someone else for liking what they ride. Now settle down and practice your reading skills.
FFS, another one who can't or won't or doesn't read posts and then gets his panties in a twist over what he thinks he read. You got relatives out here?
Mate, I've never said I wasn't proud of my Rocket nor that I didn't enjoy the fact it intimidates people. I just don't see the need to get excited about passing a lesser bike or poking fun at someone else for liking what they ride. Now settle down and practice your reading skills.

Ok, I will ump this:

1. Americans (many, not all) find a bit of bragging and bluster acceptable, "I'm bigger, I'm better", guns are cool because they inherently intimidate, Donald Trump would be a suitable leader of the free world (WTF?) etc etc
2. Aussies (many, not all) are averse to bragging and bluster, preferring the subtle approach (thats not a knife.., Tall Poppy Syndrome etc)..

now go have a beer :thumbsup:
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Ok, I will ump this:

1. Americans (many, not all) find a bit of bragging and bluster acceptable, "I'm bigger, I'm better", guns are cool because they inherently intimidate, Donald Trump would be a suitable leader of the free world (WTF?) etc etc
2. Aussies (many, not all) are averse to bragging and bluster, preferring the subtle approach (thats not a knife.., Tall Poppy Syndrome etc)..

now go have a beer :thumbsup:

Thanks but no thanks. I don't need "umping"; quite capable of managing on my own. Maybe focus your good intentions on our immature new-comer friend, eh. And you know what you can do with your :thumbsup:.
OK :).
FFS, another one who can't or won't or doesn't read posts and then gets his panties in a twist over what he thinks he read. You got relatives out here?
Mate, I've never said I wasn't proud of my Rocket nor that I didn't enjoy the fact it intimidates people. I just don't see the need to get excited about passing a lesser bike or poking fun at someone else for liking what they ride. Now settle down and practice your reading skills.
What is your beef with me? Why would you ask about relatives? That is idiotic. I think you have the comprehension issue. Where in my first post did "poke fun" of the guys Fury. And WTF makes my sharing a similar story as Funksoulbro make me sound any worse than any one else on this forum. I still own a H-D and a Honda CRF450. I would never "poke fun" of a Honda. They have been a market leader in sport bikes and off road bikes for ever. I purchased the Rocket because it is the best heavy weight cruiser on the street. And now I am getting bashed by a couple of nitwits for sharing stories about that. Thank God you and Lostride aren't like the others on this forum. And as far as calling me immature, I never referenced my prick as you did and I certainly did not misconstrue anything I read. Your attention on me is misguided. Either focus on good technical advice as you did on my post about air filter replacement, not your 2nd response. Another idiotic comment by you. Or just fu--off!
Thanks but no thanks. I don't need "umping"; quite capable of managing on my own. Maybe focus your good intentions on our immature new-comer friend, eh. And you know what you can do with your :thumbsup:.
OK :).
Hey mister grumpy pants, I was simply pointing out some stereotypical differences between Aussie and American attitudes. OK :)
What is your beef with me? Why would you ask about relatives? That is idiotic. I think you have the comprehension issue. Where in my first post did "poke fun" of the guys Fury. And WTF makes my sharing a similar story as Funksoulbro make me sound any worse than any one else on this forum. I still own a H-D and a Honda CRF450. I would never "poke fun" of a Honda. They have been a market leader in sport bikes and off road bikes for ever. I purchased the Rocket because it is the best heavy weight cruiser on the street. And now I am getting bashed by a couple of nitwits for sharing stories about that. Thank God you and Lostride aren't like the others on this forum. And as far as calling me immature, I never referenced my prick as you did and I certainly did not misconstrue anything I read. Your attention on me is misguided. Either focus on good technical advice as you did on my post about air filter replacement, not your 2nd response. Another idiotic comment by you. Or just fu--off!

Hey mister grumpy pants, I was simply pointing out some stereotypical differences between Aussie and American attitudes. OK :)
What is your beef with me? Why would you ask about relatives? That is idiotic. I think you have the comprehension issue. Where in my first post did "poke fun" of the guys Fury. And WTF makes my sharing a similar story as Funksoulbro make me sound any worse than any one else on this forum. I still own a H-D and a Honda CRF450. I would never "poke fun" of a Honda. They have been a market leader in sport bikes and off road bikes for ever. I purchased the Rocket because it is the best heavy weight cruiser on the street. And now I am getting bashed by a couple of nitwits for sharing stories about that. Thank God you and Lostride aren't like the others on this forum. And as far as calling me immature, I never referenced my prick as you did and I certainly did not misconstrue anything I read. Your attention on me is misguided. Either focus on good technical advice as you did on my post about air filter replacement, not your 2nd response. Another idiotic comment by you. Or just fu--off!

Stop it, before someone gets hurt.
