ok I wasn't going to get into this but..
the "Thats not a knife..."Crocodile Dundee thing was
meant for the American audience, because Americans (generally) think bigger is better, might is right etc etc. This is not a put down, it is just an observation and a generalization.
I think it is ok for you to share your stories,
doesn't bother me, but some here have expressed it just isn't necessary to rub it in some guys face because you ride a Rocket.
I am not dead wrong about Americans I lived next door to you mob for 22 years! I did say, "many, not all" again, this is not a put down, it is just an observation and a generalization. I am definitely not anti-american, I am anti-bone-head.
No not all Americans like DT, just 25% of Republicans

(according to reports)
Guns, you either love 'em or hate 'em. I like 'em, but I can live without 'em.
Americans want to stand out from the rest, be better etc, that's cool. In Australia we have the "Tall Poppy Syndrome", just means we like to stand out from the rest also, but we do it together. Hey, this is not my opinion, just passing on some cultural information you may not be aware of.
I am on this forum because I am an R3 owner. My bike is stock, it is fast enough and I don't need to change it. I am on this forum to have a chat and listen to my mates talk about their escapades (yes, you included) just like I was sitting in the pub. no biggie.
My initial comments were intended to break some ice and lighten it a bit. I didn't intend to get into it with you.
Now, if you
DID come here to criticize my bikes looks, history, the I
would think you are a bone-head..
p.s I am not a nitwit, I am an arsehole