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  1. DanG R3T

    Sweating to death on my R3T.

    Thanks you have any pics of your bike with the mini screen on it?
  2. DanG R3T

    60-80 top gear roll-on acceleration times

    And check this out....(Motorcyclist and Sportrider Magazine) 2005 Triumph Rocket 3 Standard - 3.11 sec. 2005 Suzuki GSX 1300R Hayabusa - 3.13 sec. 2005 Ducati 999R - 3.5 sec. 2006 Kawasaki ZX14R - 3.08 sec. That's fast. :kick:
  3. DanG R3T

    60-80 top gear roll-on acceleration times

    Just for the curious........the following is a far from comprehensive list of 60-80 top gear roll-on acceleration times for your consideration.... (From Mototcyclist Magazine) 2008 Triumph Rocket 3 Touring - 4.13 sec. 2008 HD Ultra Classic - 12.23 sec. 1999 Honda Valkyrie Interstate - 6.38...
  4. DanG R3T

    Sweating to death on my R3T.

    I suppose heat is a relative thing and I also suppose if you install roof shingles for a living, hunt wild animals in the congo or ride a solid rocket booster to work this thread probably doesn't make much sense. What I have seen is that if I remove the windshield and maybe wrap the header I may...
  5. DanG R3T

    Sweating to death on my R3T.

    Thats funny......I actually had to delay the purchase of my Rocket by a year because my furnace kicked the bucket in 2007. I had a blue and white classic picked out and was going to add saddlebags. By the time I got ahead of that, Triumph came out with the touring model in 2008. The rest is...
  6. DanG R3T

    Sweating to death on my R3T.

    Now there's a thought!
  7. DanG R3T

    Sweating to death on my R3T.

    Thanks for the insight....I thought the bike was just a 750 v-twin, my mistake :rolleyes:.....I could just get my sweat glands removed so I dont look like I just finished working out at the gym when we stop to get an ice cream cone.... Keeping on the move is always preferred, however, I seem...
  8. DanG R3T

    Sweating to death on my R3T.

    As previously established on a prior thread, I am the proud owner of a completely stock 2008 R3T and don't like to complain about "Big Baby", she is who she is and sometimes you just have to learn to adapt if you are going to ride something different than everyone else.....anyway, that big lump...
  9. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    That is exactly what I was looking for and seems to be pretty accurate (if the speedo is accurate that is......). Therefore, on a stock R3T with max HP at 5400 rpm and 5800 rpm redline, full blast acceleration shift points should be as follows: 1st to 2nd at 45-50 mph 2nd to 3rd at 70-75 mph...
  10. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    That's a nifty calculator. What is the differential ratio of a stock R3T?
  11. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    Well, traffic finally cooperated this morning and hit rev limiter at 83 in second gear. Stock R3T and stock speedo. No big reaction when hit just lost most its power till I upshifted. Anyone with the guts for trying third keep me posted.
  12. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    I had a similar experience with third gear (100 mph) yesterday minus the GF. Once again traffic spoiled the me to wondering if the overall speed limiter would kick in before the rev limiter. Besides the speedo only goes to 120 anyway... BTW scanned the Vmax / Rocket 3 article in CW...
  13. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    Thanks!! That is very helpful....let me know how 3rd gear works out! :)
  14. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    Triumph lists 5800 as the redline for a stock R3T. I went 77 mph (I think speedo reads high) this morning in second gear and didnt hit rev limiter but probably getting close.....
  15. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    Hit 77 mph in second before running out of space because of on-ramp traffic this morning. Stinking chevy cobalt ruined the party!
  16. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    Well, that gives me a couple things to consider. Thanks for the info. If anyone happens to get their bike on a dyno, find something on the internet or just tests it out for themselves on the street, I am still interested in finding out what the maximum speed per gear is before hitting the rev...
  17. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    How complicated is it to pull the plates?
  18. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    Do you have to pull the secondary throttle plates when you install the gipro?
  19. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    Hahahahahaha!!! That was hilarious!!! Most of my buddies and most of my family ride Harleys. One of my buddies told me that my R3T sounded like a Hoover vacuum sweeper when I first got it. After I smoked him on the first interstate on-ramp, I told him I was going to get a "HARLEY SUCKER" decal...
  20. DanG R3T

    Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

    Is the gipro a plug and play kind of gadget or does it need to be spliced in?