Maximum speed per gear before hitting rev limiter?

Maybe a halls cough drop in the gas tank will help! Haha! Just wondering if it cuts out so bad that it flops over on its nose like you just ran over a bucket of nails or if it just makes a racket.
Hahaha that was strangely accurate :p in an odd way. lol

A really easy way to tell when you hit 3000 rpm ..... the stock mirrors go all "fuzzy".
Gonna have to test out the fuzzy mirror tip on the bike today. Does the bike try to nose over if you are under hard acceleration and hit the rev limiter?
Yes, the bike stumbles badly. I'm not sure if it cuts fuel, or spark, my guess is fuel. I've hit the rev limiter many times, its not a big deal. And, its really not necessary. The bike doesn't need to be at the top of its rev range to make power.

Go out and hit the rev limiter a couple of times and find out how it feels. You'll also learn how the engine sounds way up there and find that you don't need a tach to know where the power starts to fall off.
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That makes sense....its seems to me that the bike pulls harder in the mid range and starts to tail off as the revs reach a higher point like it needs more air or something(usually shift prior to that point anyway). The thing really comes alive in fourth and fifth gear anyway...the factory tune limiting the bike's power in the first three gears is kinda silly I think. If the big motor scares ya get a smaller bike!!
The GiPro is one of the few performance add-ons that doesn't require fuel management equipment and/or retuning. It will give you that extra power you've noticed in 4th-5th down where it counts in 1st-3rd. Installing one of those and pulling the secondary throttle plates out is the cheapest performance mod with the biggest bang IMO.
I have never found the limiter in any gear but I do remember the first week my dad noted that he hit 92 in 3rd gear and did not find it. I have wound it to the point it sounded ugly and did not find it so I never given it another thought. As far as Harley's go, you shouldn't have to bear down to hard to work them over. One of my buddies rides one and I am always asking him about the governor he must have on it.:D