BRB, on adventure...
Buckle up Kiddos: it's Story F$%#in' Time!
Back in August I was having issues with my speedometer and fuel gauge. Electrical gremlins suck to chase down. So the bike sat for a bit whilst I tried my best to find time, energy, and a weather window to work on Trinity. The wife and I took a little vacation to Colorado, and whilst we were there... winter hit:
That's my '05 Jeep TJ with 5.5" lift on 35s. That bastard took a long time to dig out.
So we drive the Jeep around because our other car is a Mini Cooper. Not quite a snow bound vehicle. But eventually we did have to go find it.
Yup, there it is.
Gotta see if anything is damaged.
Couple scrapes, but nothing horrible.
The real worry came when we had to keep digging and waiting for snow to melt and digging some more. (no we don't have access to covered parking spaces.)
Because that is the Triumph under the cover buried in the snow.
Yeah, like that. Sad to say there was a bit of damage to the bike. The amount of snow was so heavy that it bottomed out the whole suspension and broke the kickstand mount.
So: ebay a new mount and starting digging into the electrical gremlins that I STILL HAVE from 6 months ago. I come across a useful thread that describes the issues that I have been having. Bad sensor! ebay a new sensor and... it turns over once then nothing. Try again: same thing. I check the voltage on the battery and it's 13.5v. (hmmm.....) So I'm back on here and apparently the starter thumb switch gets dirty pretty easily. Couple of screws, out it comes, blow it clean, goes back in.
SHE FIRES RIGHT UP! Holy crap all the gauges working! She's running a little rough, so I'll probably look into doing a solid tune up and clean (recommendations would be lovely here for things to check/do/look out for)
I want to thank all of you and the efforts that you put in to this site. The community here is epic.
Back in August I was having issues with my speedometer and fuel gauge. Electrical gremlins suck to chase down. So the bike sat for a bit whilst I tried my best to find time, energy, and a weather window to work on Trinity. The wife and I took a little vacation to Colorado, and whilst we were there... winter hit:
That's my '05 Jeep TJ with 5.5" lift on 35s. That bastard took a long time to dig out.
So we drive the Jeep around because our other car is a Mini Cooper. Not quite a snow bound vehicle. But eventually we did have to go find it.

Yup, there it is.
Gotta see if anything is damaged.

Couple scrapes, but nothing horrible.
The real worry came when we had to keep digging and waiting for snow to melt and digging some more. (no we don't have access to covered parking spaces.)

Because that is the Triumph under the cover buried in the snow.

Yeah, like that. Sad to say there was a bit of damage to the bike. The amount of snow was so heavy that it bottomed out the whole suspension and broke the kickstand mount.

So: ebay a new mount and starting digging into the electrical gremlins that I STILL HAVE from 6 months ago. I come across a useful thread that describes the issues that I have been having. Bad sensor! ebay a new sensor and... it turns over once then nothing. Try again: same thing. I check the voltage on the battery and it's 13.5v. (hmmm.....) So I'm back on here and apparently the starter thumb switch gets dirty pretty easily. Couple of screws, out it comes, blow it clean, goes back in.
SHE FIRES RIGHT UP! Holy crap all the gauges working! She's running a little rough, so I'll probably look into doing a solid tune up and clean (recommendations would be lovely here for things to check/do/look out for)
I want to thank all of you and the efforts that you put in to this site. The community here is epic.

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