I just finished wrapping mine a week or so ago.

It was a pain in the butt and most of my heat shields won't fit anymore.

It 'seems' to make a difference when I'm moving, but it's still smoking hot sitting in traffic.

I've got triple K&Ns, and I get more heat from just under the seat pan than anywhere else.
The plumbing was removed when the triples went on and I 'believe' that the heat is coming from the under the tank, though the now-open plumbing hole at the front of the airbox and out underneath the seat onto the upper, inner thigh.

The heat blowing onto my pants/boots are fine.
From what I have heard the stock Triumph tune is relatively lean for emission reasons and therefor runs hot. A modified tune should drop the temperature if it is richer. There are reports of the headers glowing from the stock tune, Tune Boy tunes with the decel pop fix and O2 sensor removed seem to make it run cooler.
The header glowed in the dark under the heat shields when it was new and still does it even now. As much as I want a real free flowing header, It would make me nervous that I would brand myself on it without the covers. I've singed myself wearing shorts, but nothing like what would happen on bare steel. I suppose I should be content with how well it all works the way it was designed .... it is pretty amazing when you think about what you have making that heat between your knees. ;)
I really wanted an open header too,
so I stuck an old 16" drag pipe on.
To loud even for an old open pipe kinda guy like me.
What got me to give some input here on this thread was,
The only time my pipes glowed red when I had that exhaust on.
Since reverting to TORS,
no red...
And I'm still running a little rich...
I would speculate that there are many variables that could affect the readings you obtained. Just out of curiosity, what kind of oil were you using before you switched to Amsoil? The reason I ask is the factory specified Mobil 1 4T is very close to Amsoil in most test results (I used to be an Amsoil dealer, very familiar with their tests). If however you were running a Dino oil, that could account for some of the difference.

As I said, monitoring the ECU reported temperatures, I could see virtually no change in the different fills. But, there's certainly nothing wrong with Engine Ice. Here in Arizona its a very popular alternative. My dealer seemed to use it for all rad fluid changes.
i was running the triumph oil i think the combo of all 3 amsoil engine ice and the k&p oil filter !!
I really wanted an open header too,
so I stuck an old 16" drag pipe on.
To loud even for an old open pipe kinda guy like me.
What got me to give some input here on this thread was,
The only time my pipes glowed red when I had that exhaust on.
Since reverting to TORS,
no red...
And I'm still running a little rich...
Could it be the huge pistons that make it sooo **** loud when it's uncorked? The D&D's with the baffles removed sounded like like you were standing under a Cessna 172 at wide open throttle. lol
I notice the glow after pulling into the garage at night after riding home from work. It's typically 80-90 mph highway for 40 miles.
Hi Dan.

I bought the mini screen and use it in summer out here in OZ (about the same temps as Harry). It doesn't do much for wind deflection (obviously), especially when you're 6'7", but it does indeed look significantly better than having the headlight "stand-alone". I agree, the headlight does look a bit unbalanced with nothing else there.

Make sure you've got your check book handy, coz it is indeed a genuine Triumph accessory.

Red Hot

If You think Our Rockets are HOT. Try one of Our American made air cooled scooters. No fan just air "cooled" BTU's radiating straight up at You. Texas heat and humidity You can't beat it. 95 degrees and about the same in humidity. I'll ride My R3 in it anyday as opossed to the cold of the North...:cool: