I have a Jardine header on my Classic and until I wrapped the header with header wrap it cooked my ass. Now even in 100 degree heat its bearable.

Can you wrap a stock exhaust manifold???

Big T
I've been swapping out frozen bottles of water all day here in Delaware. It's not really all that hot, but the Central Air/Heat Pump died Thursday night in the house and the wind isn't but barely moving. So today, I'm the sticky, stinky Hog. Unless Horizon can get me installed earlier, it's gonna be like this till Thursday 17th. Took a ride to "cool off", but with out a cool place to end up ... not much cooling can be done.

Please send ice. :eek:
Im in Fla and cannot use the windshield in summer. havent even used it much in the winter anymore.. actually thinking of selling it.. its just too hot with it on..
The short "summer" windshield from what i've heard is useless..
Good luck.
this is my first summer with my r3 and its been very hot and muggy here in wisconsin and i thought the heat was unbarable and was going to sell it untill i was talking to some drag racing freinds and thay turned me on to engine ice engine cooliant flushed out the old cooliant replaced with engine ice the temps droped by 10-15 degs works great now not so bad !!
this is my first summer with my r3 and its been very hot and muggy here in wisconsin and i thought the heat was unbarable and was going to sell it untill i was talking to some drag racing freinds and thay turned me on to engine ice engine cooliant flushed out the old cooliant replaced with engine ice the temps droped by 10-15 degs works great now not so bad !!

How did you measure the temperature reduction? I switched to Engine Ice last year and using a Scangauge I haven't seen a noticeable reduction in operating temperature. In over 100 degree ambient my R3T still runs at about 200 at cruise and in stop and go often hits 223 before the fan is able to pull it down to around 212-215.

I've tried stock fill, distilled water with Water Wetter, and now Engine Ice. None seem to be markedly different than the other.
I just rode most of the day. Here in FL, we I sweat just sitting inside with the ac running. Riding is way past hot to say the least. I even forsake my usual mesh jacket and modular helmet for the wet t-shirt and half helmet.

It's just plain HOT no matter what I do.:mad:
How did you measure the temperature reduction? I switched to Engine Ice last year and using a Scangauge I haven't seen a noticeable reduction in operating temperature. In over 100 degree ambient my R3T still runs at about 200 at cruise and in stop and go often hits 223 before the fan is able to pull it down to around 212-215.

I've tried stock fill, distilled water with Water Wetter, and now Engine Ice. None seem to be markedly different than the other.

A guy I work with did the same thing with his Ducati Multistrada and the differences between all of them was negligable. In fact, plain old distilled water worked best, IIRC (lowest temp reading), but it was still a minor difference.