After a few instances of being too lead-footed, I invested in an Escort MAX 360c MKII Radar and Laser Detector. Planning to get a second windshield mount for my pickup. It works with Apple CarPlay and represents more of a four-wheel focused experience. It also stores history, for times when it’s...
Don’t know the rules/laws in your country, but I wouldn’t accept a check directly from the insurance company. I make them pay the shop when the repairs are done and inspected by myself and everyone else. It drives folks crazy, but I’m no expert in repair and managing the costs.
Aside from that...
If an individual starts a conversation with a perceived “fact” and then later on says “not sure” is exhibiting unprofessional behavior.
They should be selling on the checkboxes the bike solves. If the seller bothers to ask how many girls you’re trying to get, or how many morning rides you want...
I’m an audiophile, including music while driving or riding, but don’t use headphones for music on two wheels.
Consider a stereo for your bike. May have to turn it up a bit to hear through your helmet and be considerate to others, but they will survive 😁
Depends on which apps and settings on your device, but there is truth to that. My sister in law was asking me about my shoes one afternoon and I told her about a couple online-only options. Then she started seeing ads for both brands on her phone, without looking anything up.
Wow, Thanks for sharing but honestly - if any of those kids saw us in compromised situtaions they would just hang it up and say to themselves that they couldn't compete with our awsomeness :cool:
Decisions like this are usually strategic, that there is a potential impact that is greater than not selling units. I don’t know what it is, but that is what is in my mind. An alternative thought is that there is a potential opportunity greater than selling existing units.
Just my thoughts
I’m a former TomTom user, the device is a currently mounted in an old family Denali awaiting my Dad’s retirement from driving. It hasn’t been updated in years, but gets him to this favorite spots.
Navigation alternatives can still be a journey :)