Had to let the Rocket go, my license is grateful!

I’m in Oregon, and depending on where you’re at, the officers can be chill or ruthless, really depending on the city your riding through. I think the issue was for me was that the rocket is deceiving in the power and speed, I’d be in 3rd, thinking I was cruising at 45-50, and I’m actually doing 70-80 in reality. I’d keep telling myself “be one gear down”, but I’d ride it like I was on one of my Ducatis, and end up 25-30 over the posted limit constantly. I tend to listen and “feel” what the bike is doing, and with the rocket, that was always way faster than I should be going lol.

I wouldn’t say I’m reckless., I’ve just ridden very different bikes before the rocket, and as much as I tried, I couldn’t rewire my brain to how I should ride the rocket. For example, my XDiavel was a blast to ride, but if I rode the rocket like I rode the XDiavel, I’m going to end up in trouble, better to recognize and admit I’ve got a problem, I figured 🤣

With the scout, if I ride fast, I know I’m riding fast, but with the rocket, when I was just “cruising”, and I’m going too fast and not even meaning too. Don’t know if that makes sense, and it might simply be too many years riding generally the same size bikes, and I can’t unprogram my brain. Better to err on the side of caution and move on I figured 🙃
No reason to explain although the explanation was thorough and enlightening. People are different sizes, shapes and opinions. When it comes to motorcycles everyone is different. To me no explanation is necessary on going from one motorcycle to the next. I miss my 2014 Rocket and actually liked it a bit more than my 2020GT. Most everything about the 2020 is better than the 2014 but that doesn't change my mind. To me the 2014 was more fun to ride (for me). My 1981 Yamaha 1100 Special (here I go again) was the perfect bike to me and nothing I have ridden has equaled it since. I had it 15 years along with 3 other motorcycles during that time. The motorcycle you pick and buy is the one you want to be on. Have fun on your Scout and stick around the forum. A ton of guys on here have moved on to other motorcycles and are still active on here. By the way, your Scout is a good looking Motorcycle. Cheers.
After a few instances of being too lead-footed, I invested in an Escort MAX 360c MKII Radar and Laser Detector. Planning to get a second windshield mount for my pickup. It works with Apple CarPlay and represents more of a four-wheel focused experience. It also stores history, for times when it’s passing repetitive technology that isn’t an actual speed-checking circumstance.

Wasn’t caught, and am usually reserved on the road, but it takes just a few seconds these days.
Hi all

Well, after six months, and three close calls with law enforcement, I came to the decision that the torque of the Rocket 3 was just too tempting for me, and for the longevity of my license, it was time to let her go lol!

Back when I bought the R3, I had a very short list I was interested in; R3 GT, Indian Sport Chief, and Indian Scout Rogue. The scout just didn’t check enough of the “sportiness” boxes for me, the sport chief felt like my old Dyna I use to have, and the R3 scratched my XDiavel memories in all the right ways. Best of all, I found a leftover ‘23 Chrome for $6.5k off msrp, so figured why not!

Since then, the R3 was a blast, but the power is addictive, and ultimately I came to the conclusion that I will (not if, will) eventually loose my license if I keep riding the R3 like a hooligan haha! In addition, the market offerings have changed, and the Scout 101 was released, so I worked a deal, sold the R3, and picked up a 101 😁

I’ll miss the R3, she is truly an experience, and one I throughly enjoyed. She does not promote self control, and for those who can resist the temptation, I commend you! Just wanted to say thank you to this community in general, I spent most of my time lurking, and learned a ton from everyone here.

Thank you all, and enjoy your Rockets!

P.s. incase you’re wondering “but why a Scout 101?”, I’ve spent most of my riding time on Ducati 1200’s, both air and water cooled versions, that size motor is just a sweet spot for me. I thought about a bobber or speedmaster 1200, but the Scout 101 checked all the boxes without significant need to replace factory parts. I’m still in the break in period, and got to take it on a good run through the twistiest, and the engine just pulls the way I want it to. In the end, I’m happy, I’ll miss the absurdity of the Rocket, but the 101 better aligns with my needs and riding style 👍



It is a nice machine. You’re welcome to stick around, motorcycles are emotional experiences.
No reason to explain although the explanation was thorough and enlightening. People are different sizes, shapes and opinions. When it comes to motorcycles everyone is different. To me no explanation is necessary on going from one motorcycle to the next. I miss my 2014 Rocket and actually liked it a bit more than my 2020GT. Most everything about the 2020 is better than the 2014 but that doesn't change my mind. To me the 2014 was more fun to ride (for me). My 1981 Yamaha 1100 Special (here I go again) was the perfect bike to me and nothing I have ridden has equaled it since. I had it 15 years along with 3 other motorcycles during that time. The motorcycle you pick and buy is the one you want to be on. Have fun on your Scout and stick around the forum. A ton of guys on here have moved on to other motorcycles and are still active on here. By the way, your Scout is a good looking Motorcycle. Cheers.
I am in the same situation. I traded my 2020 R3 for another bike and am looking at a 2013 R3 Roadster to buy soon. There is something special about the previous gen. May be more character...
My dealer is Triumph and Indian. I am considering a Scout. Love my R3GT and would hate to see it go, but I am having hand issues and may need something ,ore docile. I do have a Sreed 400 for around town but it is not a highway bike.
Would like to hear more of you opinion on the Scout.
Has your engine cut out randomly on the speed 400?
I got one ticket on my 1st RIII some time between 2005-2010. I have since been wary enough not to speed in any situation where cops might be around.
Hi all

Well, after six months, and three close calls with law enforcement, I came to the decision that the torque of the Rocket 3 was just too tempting for me, and for the longevity of my license, it was time to let her go lol!

Back when I bought the R3, I had a very short list I was interested in; R3 GT, Indian Sport Chief, and Indian Scout Rogue. The scout just didn’t check enough of the “sportiness” boxes for me, the sport chief felt like my old Dyna I use to have, and the R3 scratched my XDiavel memories in all the right ways. Best of all, I found a leftover ‘23 Chrome for $6.5k off msrp, so figured why not!

Since then, the R3 was a blast, but the power is addictive, and ultimately I came to the conclusion that I will (not if, will) eventually loose my license if I keep riding the R3 like a hooligan haha! In addition, the market offerings have changed, and the Scout 101 was released, so I worked a deal, sold the R3, and picked up a 101 😁

I’ll miss the R3, she is truly an experience, and one I throughly enjoyed. She does not promote self control, and for those who can resist the temptation, I commend you! Just wanted to say thank you to this community in general, I spent most of my time lurking, and learned a ton from everyone here.

Thank you all, and enjoy your Rockets!

P.s. incase you’re wondering “but why a Scout 101?”, I’ve spent most of my riding time on Ducati 1200’s, both air and water cooled versions, that size motor is just a sweet spot for me. I thought about a bobber or speedmaster 1200, but the Scout 101 checked all the boxes without significant need to replace factory parts. I’m still in the break in period, and got to take it on a good run through the twistiest, and the engine just pulls the way I want it to. In the end, I’m happy, I’ll miss the absurdity of the Rocket, but the 101 better aligns with my needs and riding style 👍


Blasphemy!!!! 🤪🤪