TLDR: its a joke to think that EV's are going to make a difference when 1 lb of beef takes 1,840 gallons of water to make and concrete makes almost 20% CO2 emissions.
JC you all are tin foil hats for sure. the fact is that there are a LOT of them on the road today, so many in fact that CAL-TRAN is going to tax EV's $0.03 per mile now because almost 40% of cars on the road in CA are EV. i hardly call that a non market driven force. Lets look at it another way. In the last 10 years, there is almost 12 million EVs on the road world wide, it actually might be higher than that but im just doing dirty math from google. In comparison from 2006 to 2016 there were only about 8 million smart phones sold world wide. Now look at us, every one has a smart phone, EVERYONE, even poor nations. All i see are trends. Trends that take off due to consumers willing to spend $ for a product regardless of who said what about it or what it does or does not do. When cars hit our earth and took off it was only 20 years before there were PAVED roads, then 30 years to highways (military) obviously. But gas stations never had a problem keeping up. Its EASY to install. The point behind EV's are that there should be charging stations at ALL GAS STATIONS that run of a generator until power supply can be met. its not difficult and it will happen. EV's are great if you take them at face value. what they replace and how they replace it is awesome.
If you think OH BIG GREEN BLA BLA BLA, just remember that 1 container ship (the really big ones) use enough fuel, going from say China to USA, to more than power every single personal commuter car in the USA for an entire day. and there are hundreds of thousands of them making that trip every week all year long. not to mention trucking is SO MUCH WORSE. if you turned every personal and commercial Truck/ Car/ SUV into EV's, it would only put a 0.05% dent into the global OIL CONSUMPTION. thats NOTHING.
What does this mean? EV's are a hobby and no matter if you have every person on earth an EV to swap out the ICE they have, it would NOT put a dent into emissions.
FFS global concrete production represents almost 18% of the CO2 emissions on earth, then you have farming, deforestation, and commercial airlines that in total make up another almost 30% of the issue. Then shipping/ power production makes up mostly the rest.
SO Its NOT ABOUT BIG OIL, its NOT ABOUT going green, it has NOTHING to do with politics. even if you changed a TON of things, it would be impossible to change the way we make things for humans to use/ consume. SO WHY NOT, WHY ARE EVS GOING TO BE SO BAD FOR US? I understand the BS that politicians and big green are trolling you with for various reasons but please understand that in the big picture, you and i and everyone in the debate have NO SAY at all if you have a smart phone, the materials to make those and the slave labor involved, if you saw it in person you would turn full hippy or you confirm you have no soul. i personally turn a blind eye to it like we all do. its so bad.