Standard Bore
I do have the mid-pegs and quick shifter..Welcome to the forum from the UK.
I hope you get the 'quality' issues resolved before you hand it to your brother to fix
Fingers crossed you have a good dealer who takes your custom seriously. It can make a world of difference when they do.
I would guess that everything but your hot leg can be resolved in the hands of a good factory trained technician......well actually even the hot leg can be fixed by opting for the mid-peg conversion.
I picked it up on Monday and 30 minutes in the computer stopped working again... I returned it to the dealership today.
The owner is pretty smart and seems polite .. I have faith in him.
Not sure about the folks working on the bike.
This is getting serious.. as mentioned, I really like my rocket storm... it's looking like I got a lemon

I actually traded a 2022 rocket 3R for this 25 Storm 3Gt...
I wanted the newer more powerful rocket.. it was flawless.
This is my fate.. traded in flawless for flawed.
I must say , this is just one defective rocket storm... how triumph choose to remedy the problem will say everything about the brand...
Thanks again... I'll keep you posted.