2025 Triumph Rocket 3GT Storm

Welcome to the forum from the UK.
I hope you get the 'quality' issues resolved before you hand it to your brother to fix ;)
Fingers crossed you have a good dealer who takes your custom seriously. It can make a world of difference when they do.
I would guess that everything but your hot leg can be resolved in the hands of a good factory trained technician......well actually even the hot leg can be fixed by opting for the mid-peg conversion.
I do have the mid-pegs and quick shifter..
I picked it up on Monday and 30 minutes in the computer stopped working again... I returned it to the dealership today.
The owner is pretty smart and seems polite .. I have faith in him.
Not sure about the folks working on the bike.
This is getting serious.. as mentioned, I really like my rocket storm... it's looking like I got a lemon 🍋.
I actually traded a 2022 rocket 3R for this 25 Storm 3Gt...
I wanted the newer more powerful rocket.. it was flawless.
This is my fate.. traded in flawless for flawed.
I must say , this is just one defective rocket storm... how triumph choose to remedy the problem will say everything about the brand...
Thanks again... I'll keep you posted.
My brother is disabled from head injury caused by a drunk & stoned driver with no insursnce, no license, and no money!
I frequently sing the driver a hymn of hope.
"Himmmm, Himmm,
F××× Himmmm!"
My brother is disabled from head injury caused by a drunk & stoned driver with no insursnce, no license, and no money!
I frequently sing the driver a hymn of hope.
"Himmmm, Himmm,
F××× Himmmm!"
Truly upsetting and hard to hear.
May your brother continue to recover.. this just put things into perspective...
Good luck on them roadways / highways..
Peace be with you and family.
Deeply moved and saddened by this most unexpected and unfortunate event.
I purchased this Triumph Rocket 3 GT Storm on, 8/14/2024 - I really enjoy It's rapid acceleration and handling.
I only have about 350 miles on it. And already, I'm having an number of fault lights and problems including faulty ignition switch . Engine management (MIL), ABS and traction control (TC ) in addition an annoying brake squeak that will not go away. For the money, this is unacceptable , especially since these are not difficult fixes.
I understand that every motorcycle has to go through it's fair share of bugs and problems - but less than 400 miles and I'm constantly running to the dealership - they must be getting tired of me, always showing up with a new problem.
For the record , I do enjoy riding my Rocket Storm - I rode a Valkyrie for 20 years and only saw the dealership for routine service... I'm beginning to believe ,I made a horrible and very expensive mistake.
You just can't trust most of the reviews you see posted on YouTube.
Some complaints are as mentioned above are : faulty MIL, TC, ABS, Ignition switch, squeaky brake .
Things that make for unpleasant riding experience are: hard suspension and burning-hot air blowing on my right foot
at moderate speed.
I'm heading to the dealership this weekend to have my Rocket 3 storm checked out - I will keep you posted.
I thank you all for the opportunity to share my experience.
I've been considering buying one for a few weeks now. Seeing how the nearest dealer is 40 miles away, I'd rather not have a bike requiring constant dealer attention. Ride an '08 Fat Bob that had to have engine mounts replaced early on and rear bearing seal replaced but that's been it for 16 years. At the steep price I'd expect far better quality. Thanks for the post!
The dealer had my rocket storm for about a month and I still have problems with the bike not starting - It may start on the first attempt or the forth, I guess I just have to deal with it.
I truly love this motorcycle - the dealership I purchased this Storm from is not helpful and wants me to go away.
I took the Storm to another dealership in Brooklyn , these guys are currently going over the faulty starting issue... They are a polite group, and I trust them.
I am not bad-mouthing Triumph , occasionally problems occur- the dealership makes all the difference though - I'm hoping Triumph of Brooklyn will fix the starting problem.
My take away is : change dealerships until you find one that values your time and patronage.
I will keep you updated.
Thanks for the support .. Bang-metal out!