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  1. darrell

    Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

    This is only 2 or 3 hours from my house. I really want to attend. Only thing...the 15th is my 20th wedding anniversary. I'll have to talk to the boss and see if she would like to attend with me. also, my two teenage boys ride and may tag this a family friendly event ?
  2. darrell

    Head Gasket Leaking

    I was wondering...has anyone ever experience multiple head gasket failures ? I recently had the head gasket replaced on my 08 R3T. I looked at the old gasket....I saw nothing obviously wrong with it. Certainly nothing that would cause an oil leak like the one I experienced. The bike seems fine...
  3. darrell

    PIAA Super Plasma GT-X ?

    I bought 2 PIAA super plasma gtx bulbs...I put 1 in my R3T and 1 in my KLR 650. I like them. It is an improvement over the stock bulbs. Not a huge improvement but definitely a noticable improvement. I bought a pair from PIAA's website and got a significant price break per bulb as opposed to...
  4. darrell

    Long Distance Riders

    I did two certified iron butt rides on my R3T last year...1,000 and 1,500 miles.:)
  5. darrell

    Speaker Hookup - 2008 R3T

    My J&M speakers.....I just hooked the fused "hot" wire directly to the battery. I spliced a simple waterproof switch into the hot lead and hooked the ground wire to the frame. My speaker amp does not turn off with the key....I just have to remember to turn the switch off when I get off of the...
  6. darrell

    blown headgasket

    My 08 R3T is in the shop with a leaky head gasket. Oil running down back of motor.:mad:
  7. darrell

    sticky caliper ?

    Understood....for years I've used both front & rear. My R3T is the first bike I've ever owned that had floorboards and an elevated brake pedal. My foot / toes are not naturally in a positon to use the rear brake as on past bikes. I guess I have started to develop a bad habit. I need to make a...
  8. darrell

    sticky caliper ?

    Done...pulled the clips and the pad retaining pin. The pads are out. The caliper slides freely back and forth on the two caliper mounting pins so I assume that is not the problem. I did notice that the pad retaining pin that I pulled off of the rear of the caliper had shiny spots where the black...
  9. darrell

    sticky caliper ?

    Cat converters do get hot. I set a hayfield on fire one time when I parked my Ford Pinto in it. But that's another story..... I'm not sure but I've read somewhere that on the R3T the CAT is in the mufflers and switching to TOR's eliminates the CAT. Does anyone know if this is true ? I have...
  10. darrell

    tire recall

    Talked to my dealer last week. He's gonna call me as soon as he gets the tires.:)
  11. darrell

    sticky caliper ?

    thanks !!!! Downloaded the manual. I appreciate your advice & help. I'll pull the caliper off & clean everything up.:)
  12. darrell

    sticky caliper ?

    During a short ride yesterday, I noticed an unusual sound coming from the rear of the bike. It sounded like the brake pads were dragging on the rear disc. I put my hand to the disc and sure enough...the disc was hot to the touch. This was after a 15 minute ride in which I had not applied the...
  13. darrell

    Iron Butt on a Rocket

    That must have been an incredible ride. I would love to do something like that someday.:)
  14. darrell

    Oil leak/Seapage

    Took the bike to the dealer and dropped it off. They called a couple days later and told me that they cleaned some cosmoline off of the motor and could find no leak. I was very skeptical but I've put over 100 miles on the bike and it ain't leaking. I'm surprised but happy. :)
  15. darrell

    Iron Butt on a Rocket

    :) For sure it ain't for everybody. And actually an average speed of 50 mph will get you to 1000 miles in 20 hours (4 hours under the time limit). So it's not necassarily blasting down I-95 @ 100+ mph. And judging from what you wrote, 99% of my riding is just like the riding that you do. It...
  16. darrell

    Iron Butt on a Rocket

    The bike was great. It was my first try at a "Iron Butt" ride and things went very well. Had I waited for warmer weather, I believe that I could have easily done the same ride in 16 or 17 hours. A co-worker rode his bike on the trip. We left around 9 a.m. It rained that morning and we decided to...
  17. darrell

    Iron Butt on a Rocket

    I rode my first "Iron Butt" ride last month on my R3T. 1,040 miles in under 20 hours. I sent my paperwork/trip log/receipts into the IBA a couple of weeks ago and received notification today that my ride has been certified. :)
  18. darrell

    Oil leak/Seapage

    Your issue seems very similar to mine. It does sound like yours was leaking quite a bit more than mine is. Taking mine to the dealer Thursday. Will know more then. I assume yours is OK now that it has been repaired ? BTW, welcome to the forum :) !
  19. darrell

    Oil leak/Seapage

    Wow. Thanks for the info. I'm still hoping it's cosmoline. Cleaned the whole motor today. Still raining here. I plan to ride the 80 miles to the dealer Thursday to get it checked out. Hopefully it's not the head gasket. I was kinda wondering about the head bolt torque. If it is the gasket, I'll...
  20. darrell

    Oil leak/Seapage

    Thanks for the info Flip. Has anyone seen a head gasket seep oil to the outside of the motor on an R3 ? Do I need to be concerned with operating the bike like this ? I've changed head gakets on cars a couple of times in the there a danger of getting the coolant & oil mixing together...