sticky caliper ?

Pull the two retaining clips on the single pin on the rear, slide the pin out and they practically fall off
Done...pulled the clips and the pad retaining pin. The pads are out. The caliper slides freely back and forth on the two caliper mounting pins so I assume that is not the problem. I did notice that the pad retaining pin that I pulled off of the rear of the caliper had shiny spots where the black paint had been wore off by the pads. Again, I assume this is normal. What exactly do I need to clean and/ or lubricate ?

For sure something ain't right, I noticed brake pad dust on the rear wheel and I very seldom (almost never) use the rear brake.

Again thanks for the help. It's much appreciated.:)
Clean out the whole caliper assembly with some brake cleaner and a stiff nylon brush (don't use a metal brush).

Clean that pin off too and grease it up with a high-temp copper grease. Don't over do it.
For sure something ain't right, I noticed brake pad dust on the rear wheel and I very seldom (almost never) use the rear brake.

That's bad business and maybe why more bikes are being built with linked brakes. I'd be using both front and rear. When the front end slides out from under you in a less than ideal traction situation, you'll be using the back one too.:eek:
I agree. Bad habit to get in to.
Understood....for years I've used both front & rear. My R3T is the first bike I've ever owned that had floorboards and an elevated brake pedal. My foot / toes are not naturally in a positon to use the rear brake as on past bikes. I guess I have started to develop a bad habit. I need to make a conscious effort to use the rear brake more.