Took the day off. Your gonna need one of these. Truimph sales them. Follow the manual on instructions on how to install cams to the letter. Especially the slack side of the chain. This is were i had a hiccup. While installing the chain over the sprockets little voice in the head kept saying that should go over one more tooth. Had the marks lined up from the get go. Problem was a brand new chain. Seemed to be a bit short. Apparently new chains can be a BiTc%. While having tool installed every-time i went to place the cam tensioner in place and applied pressure do to the slack being on the wrong side it would pull the cams out of position. Finally after several attempts it worked. When i say several attempts am not bullsjhi%ing at all. With a bit of work finally got the chain to move over by a tooth and HOLY SHI$ it all fell into place This is where the tool should be after 4 complete turn of the motor. Number 1 cylinder at TDC and the dot in the peep hole lined up. On some bikes the dot may not be perfectly aliened. Since my bike was built on a Wednesday my marks are accurate. Both the marks with the line and arrow pointing down with the proper EX and IN should be aliened even to engine. Sounds real simple but with a new chain it can really be a pain. Take notice on how clean the surface is where the cam cover will fit. That is one very important aspect to getting the cam cover on so it will not leak. Next step will be to add a little oil to top of engine and then go over mating surface with cotton balls and MEK. A cleaning agent that requires the use of gloves. Alcohol will work but not as good as MEK which will eat oil and leave the surface oil free. May have stumbled and fell but cams are right were they need to be. Like the title says FIT WITH REAL LIFE. Seriously if I can get her done anyone can. Remember am just a dumb broke welder by trade. Having a beer and enjoying.
That is what it is all about. No hurry just want to make sure every step is done right. If I wanted it done half AS# i would take it to a dealer and then complain about my low end because my cams were not installed correctly. Besides this way any screw ups is my fault. Got a feeling ain't gonna have that problem.
I was once a welder by trade (simple stuff) I don't think I was too dumb and was never too broke. Give yourself the credit you deserve. Very few would tackle that project to completion. Slap yourself on the back for me!
I was once a welder by trade (simple stuff) I don't think I was too dumb and was never too broke. Give yourself the credit you deserve. Very few would tackle that project to completion. Slap yourself on the back for me!