Still have plenty of time. Next weekend i will use a pillow for my knee. Figure once i get the cams set it should go along quickly. No way am i going to miss out on Maggie valley.
Got a bad knee to begin with and crawling around the bike checking timing marks got the best of it. A pillow on the ground as i use the chair to get up and down should help. Nothing is going to stop me from getting this job done. Got a gauge from a friend so now we can insure #1 piston is at TDC. Should have done that in the first place.
I need to stop reading threads like this... I am emailing people from all over the world from back water Louisiana and it's going to cost me a lot of money.... Thx, much appreciated.... I am learning a lot too... especially how to hide my bank acct from the wife and kids
Watching this with great interest. Waiting on my crossover pipe from @Paul Bryant then thinking of going with these cams for my next valve check- depending on Sonny's seat of the pants report.