Would she get on yours?

Before moving from FL to Tucson I would fly to visit my gal friend every few months. Thought I would rent a Harley one visit and get her to ride with me. I had plenty of experience riding two up with now deceased wife.
The gal was nervous so asked we meet in the desert with few cars. We take off riding maybe 30,35 mph for a couple of miles without seeing a car. Coming to a stop sign veering right uphill slightly I am slowing almost to a stop since I know there won't be a car coming from my left. Just before continuing to go at oh 1 or 2 mph I see the fxxxking car and have to stop with bars turned to th right uphill. You've seen those stories of amazing feets of a guy or woman lifting a car off the ground to save there child. I fought the bike and gal going down with everything and just barely succeeded! She sat motionless the whole time. I said I should have know better not to have had bars like that when stopping. Within 7 seconds of going again she said I would like to go back to my car please. Can't blame her. Had I done that with me on the back I wouldn't ride with me.. Sad for me though cause she could love it if not for that blunder. Couldn't get her to sit on the new r3 not moving.
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My wife loves riding backseat with me. I know, I'm blessed. I currently have 2 Triumphs, a Speedmaster & a R3 GT. They are two totally different riding experiences but amazingly she prefers to take out the GT. She says that she likes how we can ride it more aggressively (read > lean angle) and how we can take any car lined up at stop light. She's usually good for about 90mins before she needs a break to stretch her legs.

When I first started riding I was told that it takes about 1k miles to feel truly comfortable on the street. I remember at first feeling like I was riding a bicycle at full speed in traffic. I imagine that there is a curve for a pillion to get comfortable as well. So with that in mind beware of their level of experience and how they are feeling. If you do it right she just might drop the keys on the breakfast table and ask, "When are we riding today?"
you ride with snow about ? I won’t ride in anything below 15 degrees Cel. And I consider that barely tolerable. I’m over 60 now though. Comes with the territory
I do not ride with snow or ice on the roads. But I also don't want snow built up on the cover either.
I started dating my wife of 38 years around Thanksgiving 40 years ago. The next spring she announced that she bought a motorcycle helmet. She has no desire to ride on her own. She enjoys the back seat and being able to look around. She can fold a map at 70mph and gives good directions.

We test rode a Rocket the first year they were made and said, "This will be our next bike." A couple years later she saw one for sale and we still have it. Great bike, the wife is even better.

Jerry C
When my wife got on my Sprint, she asked me what the grab rails were for, I said just something hang on to. Now I would assume anyone at all, even if they never rode before, would know a female passenger puts her arms around the rider to hold on. I told her hold on, and took a quick blast to 120 and back down before pulling in to get gas. She said the wind blast almost took her off the bike, she was holding on to the grab rails but the wind had her laid out straight on her back, she said she almost threw up in her helmet, she was so scared . She never got on that bike again, she said just seeing the bike makes her sick to her stomach. My fault, I just assumed anyone would know that.
good story [thanks for sharing] and some of them never forget these incidents - I did something similar with my son [that I shouldn't have] and he's never forgotten about it - nor wants to get on one! My daughter, however, rides and she rides like she stole it, which scared the crap out of me.... jus sayin'!