Will triumph developed the roadster any further

You can tour/holiday any bike, I have enjoyed every bike I have owned and had many a discussion with friends about what to replace the GS with, now I'll let the Rocket do the talking for me, I ain't had it long but I'm smitten and it's a keeper for as long I remain on this rock.:thumbsup:
Got to agree, the R3 handles most twisties perfectly well, alright so I occasionally scrap pegs but the clearance aint half bad considering. I have ride outs with guys on the usual bikes, whether they be the sports or adventure varieties and have not felt left out on the rides what-so-ever...the Rocket's an animal and is a frequent talking point with the Rocket virgins. Mines a keeper too for sure...my SM-T will go long before it and that's a bike I can't grumble about either really.

But I don't know if In the UK it is not unusual to go for a 450 Klm Sunday ride I do and at least once a month and 160 /200Klm most weekends , My rocket touring averages around 6/7 litres per 100 Klm .
Only last weekend I did just over 500km, it was a long ride to and from the meeting point with a back road bonanza in between and the coast thrown in too :) For the long jaunts I was getting 8 l/100km (35mpg (uk)), on the back roads closer to 9.5 l/100km (29mpg (uk))...@£1.27/l it hurts but I don't care, lifes too short to give a cr4p about things like that when you're having fun :)
I turned up 2700 miles on mine on the way home from the Leesburg Bikefest last Saturday, and I was out five full weeks when my back went out.
I turned up 2700 miles on mine on the way home from the Leesburg Bikefest last Saturday, and I was out five full weeks when my back went out.

Big Mileage for sure ,just to put the distance thing into focus a quick trip by the most direct route across Australia Sydney to Perth is 4200 Klm one way and that's not even diverting off the track once ,lots of people commute to work on the Central Coast of NSW to Sydney by road 220 Klm return each day, We regularly visit relatives in Queensland on the Bike 1400 Klm return trip so we knock up a fair mileage down here .
You're right Carlson. Just because people who have never ridden a Rocket are scared of them doesn't make them hard to ride. Some people on here seem to have bought their Rocket as a way to compensate for some shortcoming; those who believe it proves they have "bigger balls" or are "badass". Anyone who has actually ridden one on anything like a regular basis knows better. I bought my Rocket because of the thrill it gave me the first time I twisted that throttle; not to prove anything to anyone.
Yep my second bike was a rocket and I ride It everyday peace of piss to ride unless your a ****tard lmfao
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Still in the shop. They had ordered another final drive, was supposed to be in this week. I asked and offered to pay the labor, for them to pull the swing arm, to have a look see, as I don't see how the final drive can/could cause the vibration I was experiencing. I had the original final drive replaced on warranty, at around 2000 miles. Something ain't right. My "GUESS" is something in the drive shaft section, is causing the vibration, and wearing out the bearings in the final drives. If they just put in another (3rd) final drive, and it takes a dump, I might have to ask Triumph for a new motorcycle !!!!!!!! PITA for sure! 7000 miles, and second time in for warranty work...........................

My trucking career taught me much about drive shafts. I would take the drive shaft completely out and mount it in a lathe to spin it to check how straight it is. Even a slight flex or variation out of true in the shaft is bad. I had a similar vibration problem with one of my trucks. Wore out a few bearings. Checked all 3 external drive shafts and all were good. I told the mechanic to take out the "through shaft" to inspect it. It is an internal drive shaft that runs through the front rear and connects to the in between shaft between the front and rear rears. It rides inside the front rear in a full oil bath. Turned out to be the "through shaft" was just a little out of round and had a wobble. $190 part including the front and rear bearings. If your bike is vibrating and wearing out the final drive over and over, I would pull the entire drive shaft and test it.
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I would love to petition Triumph to build an all out touring on the Rocket platform. it looks like the rocket costs less to manufacture compared to what they're charging for the Lt with soft bags!!! come on TRIUMPH give us the luxury cruiser we want. Full fairing, stereo/gps, cigarette lighter, luggage rack, armrests for the missus complete with cup holder, true cruise control. geez, harleys getting $25k for theirs and then dumping another 10k for the "cvo" version for a 110 c.i. engine that can barely squeeze past a tbird. Done right the Rocket could be the bike riders are trading their gold wings for.
Wonder when the new model come out. There showing 2015 rockets on u tube.

That video is very confusing.
They show it plain black, then with red striped and then with white stripes.
The hush, hush word I have heard is that the stripes shall be yellow for 2015.
We shall soon see . . .
I would love to petition Triumph to build an all out touring on the Rocket platform. it looks like the rocket costs less to manufacture compared to what they're charging for the Lt with soft bags!!! come on TRIUMPH give us the luxury cruiser we want. Full fairing, stereo/gps, cigarette lighter, luggage rack, armrests for the missus complete with cup holder, true cruise control. geez, harleys getting $25k for theirs and then dumping another 10k for the "cvo" version for a 110 c.i. engine that can barely squeeze past a tbird. Done right the Rocket could be the bike riders are trading their gold wings for.

As long as that's not the only RIII option .. I wouldn't want 'that' style Rocket.