Will triumph developed the roadster any further

I dunno ??? While my Rocket is in the shop, I'm riding my 2004 Kawasaki ZRX 1200r. WHAT a difference. I'm actually appreciating the Kaw even more, coming off the Rocket. The Kaw is soooooo light !!!! And the hp/torque numbers ain't all that far from the Rocket either !!! But I do miss the comfort of my Rocket, while still having the get-up-and go at the twist of the wrist. PS, this pic was minus a beard and long hair ! Also notice how SMALL the Kaw is !

I find that I quite often ride other bikes (mainly at work) and think they're "not too bad" compared to the Rocket. But then I hope back on the Rocket and I'm reminded of just how awesome it is; NEVER think it's "not too bad".
I find that I quite often ride other bikes (mainly at work) and think they're "not too bad" compared to the Rocket. But then I hope back on the Rocket and I'm reminded of just how awesome it is; NEVER think it's "not too bad".
Ditto, it's good to have a second bike if for no other reason than to "reset" the expectations so when you get back aboard it's big wow factor time again :)
It has spoilt me though, test riding an explorer 1200 I thought it was very lacking in grunt lol

right there, the tourer is a bit heavy on the fuel,no good for uk market as £7.00 gallon over here. And lacked the power compared to the roadster.

That's just a few cents short of double what it is in oz:eek: (3.75 GBP per gallon based on a $1.50AUD per litre) Does the Touring use that much more fuel?
The problem with the Triumph brand in the states is the HD brand and as previous comments have stated the reluctance of people to be individuals. The reason I changed from a BM R1200GS is because the biking community over here is obsessed with adventure bikes, every bike mag you read is full of adventure bike articles and holidays. A couple of years back it was sports bikes and track days, that's not gone away entirely and that's the point, people tend to go with whatever is flavour of the day and are influenced by their friends.

You can tour/holiday any bike, I have enjoyed every bike I have owned and had many a discussion with friends about what to replace the GS with, now I'll let the Rocket do the talking for me, I ain't had it long but I'm smitten and it's a keeper for as long I remain on this rock.:thumbsup:
That's just a few cents short of double what it is in oz:eek: (3.75 GBP per gallon based on a $1.50AUD per litre) Does the Touring use that much more fuel?

But I don't know if In the UK it is not unusual to go for a 450 Klm Sunday ride I do and at least once a month and 160 /200Klm most weekends , My rocket touring averages around 6/7 litres per 100 Klm .
The problem with the Triumph brand in the states is the HD brand and as previous comments have stated the reluctance of people to be individuals. The reason I changed from a BM R1200GS is because the biking community over here is obsessed with adventure bikes, every bike mag you read is full of adventure bike articles and holidays. A couple of years back it was sports bikes and track days, that's not gone away entirely and that's the point, people tend to go with whatever is flavour of the day and are influenced by their friends.

You can tour/holiday any bike, I have enjoyed every bike I have owned and had many a discussion with friends about what to replace the GS with, now I'll let the Rocket do the talking for me, I ain't had it long but I'm smitten and it's a keeper for as long I remain on this rock.:thumbsup:

Good thought Buck; people do tend to go with the flow more often than not. Media helps to drive the opinion of many folks as do their circle of friends at home and online. (Look at me, I'm jumping on your band wagon now). I bought my R3 primarily because it was not a Harley even though I do like several of their offerings. I had to be different than any of my local friends and needed a certain kind of bike that happened to be this one. So far I have put over 5K miles on it and have the chicken strips to show for it. I will need to get new shoes before my big trip this summer and I can't wait to spend a few days in the saddle with no other worries.
As for the Roadster, I do hope it stays around as I have seen several that are way to cool to let go the way of the dinosaur…