I just thought, NOBODY has tried to copy the Rocket. Look at all the hardley copy-cats out there, even Yamaha copied the Triumph 650, sort of, way back when. We truly own a "one of a kind" and I like that. I just don't know about that Thunderbird. I've read that they are selling better than the Rocket, maybe because they don't look as intimidating. Lower seat height, "looks" lighter. But they would have to be a whole lot cheaper than a Rocket, as far as I'm concerned. There's just so much MORE bang for the buck, with a Rocket.
Imagine if Triumph dropped that Rocket engine into a little Ducati type, titanium framed, very naked street fighter, tire smoking monster, mono rear shock, all the electronic suspension stuff, on and on. I'd take mine in candy apple red please. YeeHaw