What do you wear when it's hot riding your rocket ?

We wear lightly armored mesh jackets in heat with full length pants, boots or steel toe shoes for me, gloves and helmets. The older u get, the slower skin grows back. Just pay attention is the best defense.
Alright already! You guys are making me nervous. Passed 2 downed bikes on the freeway on the way home from work today so I dug out my Cortech GX Sport air for tomorrow's commute. Dammit! Sure to be a fair to moderate case of swamp a$$ by the time I get to work. $hit :banghead::banghead:
Alright already! You guys are making me nervous. Passed 2 downed bikes on the freeway on the way home from work today so I dug out my Cortech GX Sport air for tomorrow's commute. Dammit! Sure to be a fair to moderate case of swamp a$$ by the time I get to work. $hit :banghead::banghead:

Swamp arse is good, road rash is a pain in the arse. Better to have you here without the pain I reckon. :thumbsup: ;)
@barbagris you must be in southern Spain? At least you have the beaches ;)
That's a nice looking jacket! Bookmarked the site. Wish they had a lighter color?
SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF SPAIN - Just west of Madrid - as far away from a beach as it is possible to get. Which - for me - is a plus. Beaches mean humans. I'd rather sit under a tree by a stream.

And yes - shame they only do BLACK - though Black actually works best against SUN - not what we're taught in school is it!. If US guys want EXCELLENT perforated leather - VANSON.

It's a real shame Harley killed off Buell. The "Buell" branded gear was always well thought out. I have a "Buell" suit made by Vanson - and a man made fibre suit also from Buell. They are without doubt amongst the most overall practical garb I've ever owned. All my previous gear was aimed at the inclemencies of the UK and now at the violent summers of central Spain.

Right now I use a Body Armour jacket with a Leather jerkin over the top and armoured chinos.
The predecessor of this http://www.jofama.se/mcsm/product_details.php?lang=2&id=301&s=MC with back plate.
The pants are also from the same Swedish mfr as the jacket.Protectors everywhere as well as aramid.

If you've not looked at Jofama/Halvarssons/Lindstrands - then you should and if FASHION is unimportant - look hard at the http://www.jofama.se/mcsm/product_details.php?lang=2&id=41&s=MC This is LEO grade pursuit gear. Matching pants. If it's wet - throw a waterproof over. If it's hot maybe a thin mesh jacket (NOT M/C) or a shirt/seater whatever. It was designed with and for the UK police.
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I guess I'm suffering from low intelligence. If it gets over say 95, I usually just don't ride except in the early mornings. However, I mount up with all the gear I wear in the winter EXCEPT an armored jacket. I've still got the helmet, gloves and boots, just no jacket. For what it's worth (and it ain't worth much), I do wear a long sleeve shirt. The shirt will help only if I tip over at a stop light, I know.
We've had 40ºtemps for a couple of weeks or so now - I happen to like it - but must folk are wilting.

The problem with aramid shirts is whilst they may not rip - they will still give you friction burns.
And a ruddy shirt is NOT going to keep al that lovely InfraRed at bay. Really.
Nothing keeps the heat off like leather - it's why firemans helmets are made of leather.

Conceptually this is as close to perfection as it gets -

Bought my missus one on a trip to the UK last year. I think I'll order mine now - as they now send free worldwide.
Not a bad jacket Chris. I used the Triumph vented leather Jacket in the heat. I can only talk about the Hard Ce shoulder and elbow Protectors in which both times I hit the pavement nothing in them areas broke. Now the foam back protector is like Triumphs which I guess lessons the blow force. I am not all sure it is efficient as I was able to find a way to fracture 3 vertebrae in six places. Who knows though without it I might have Broken more :)

for the back I prefer something a little more solid and yet flexible enough to be worn riding.


I alos am a believer in full face or modular helmets. They allow you to actually view the asphalt the would be shreading your mug had you not had one on. (been there done that)
Safety gear is important.
Kind of like the importance of safety glasses in the industrial environment.
After all you can chase a woman blind
But she has to smell awful bad!!!!!!!

for the back I prefer something a little more solid and yet flexible enough to be worn riding.:D
The type of protector that's best depends on the type of thump. I have one of those in my Vanson.
But the Swedish protectors are softer and what the UK police chose on test results. It's what I have in my Halvarsson. (OK I have it's predecessor - not vented)

I was told (by Vanson iirc - it's hard to remember back through that much free airline alcohol) that hard shell protectors work best if you slide/skid (so track) - "soft" visco-elastic ones better for blunt force (road).
So I have the armadillo back (which is a mix really) - but Vansons softer armour else where.

What's NOT well appreciated is that if you have a thump - they should be CHANGED.

I made a back protector using a mix of materials for an old jacket. C/F reinforced Polyurethane and two grades of visco "foam". I can be knocked over before I feel the hit/punch.
He in the UK the amount of riders that you see on a hot day with shorts and a t shirt seems to have risen..I did see the other day a guy on a Harley wearing just shorts,deck shoes and a helmet.

After seeing some of my mates in my early days of riding motorcycles sliding down the tarmac removing skin and bone....Always and even on the hottest day it's leather jacket,draggin jeans,gloves,boots and the helmet for me.

Same thing I wear any other day. Boots, jeans, leather motorcycle jacket, gauntlet gloves, full-face helmet. I'll open air vents on the jacket and helmet, and wear a t-shirt under my jacket, but it's always ATGATT.