Well, the night started out great

Update, during my deer crash both sides of my front crash bar got skinned up. They don't make Rivco bars like this anymore and I like them. Put some led strip lights over them to cover the damage. I kinda like it. If YOU don't, feel free to speak your mind. https://youtu.be/MIq2J0-Wj14
Update, during my deer crash both sides of my front crash bar got skinned up. They don't make Rivco bars like this anymore and I like them. Put some led strip lights over them to cover the damage. I kinda like it. If YOU don't, feel free to speak your mind. https://youtu.be/MIq2J0-Wj14
That's a useful addition - much like the new Audi indicators that run in the direction you wish to turn. Will look good at night but in the daytime?? Not my personal choice but everyone has their own ideas and likes/dislikes. Go for it, should prove useful safety/visibility wise if not aesthetically beautiful.
Mind you, have you seen where my front indicators are??? :D:D:D
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They will really only be worth anything at night. I don't really care for the daytime appearance. I'm going to mask off everything but the led's and paint the rest black. It does cover the road rash pretty good :)

strip_led_in _light.jpg

Hey Clint ! Managed to get my "twat" in the pic again ;)
Went for a ride down the shore of Lake Michigan to take in the sunset and get something to eat. Headed home after dark which is something we rarely do. We discussed deer and decided she would look left and I would look right. Had the brights on and was going well under the 50 mph speed limit when a deer shot right out in front of us. Rode to the hospital in an ambulance. Melissa is banged up on her left side. Don't think anything is broke. I'm a little scraped up but nothing serious. Bike is totaled. More tomorrow.

That's a bugger....good luck with your recovery.
How's the rest of the rebuild progressing? From the photos it looks as if the crash bars got off pretty lightly everything considered.

I'm waiting to get my rear crash bars from a fellow member. Then I can mount my bags. Then it's just putting the new tins on. I'm doing that last so I don't bang um' up !
Update, during my deer crash both sides of my front crash bar got skinned up. They don't make Rivco bars like this anymore and I like them. Put some led strip lights over them to cover the damage. I kinda like it. If YOU don't, feel free to speak your mind. https://youtu.be/MIq2J0-Wj14

Bling, chrome, sparkle and glow I like it :D