Well, the night started out great

Great idea, Fred.

Looks like the entire recovery from your and Melissa's Bambiboozling is going well.

I gave you your only "thumbs up" on that Facebook video, but it was as much for the music playing in the background as for your directorial effort.:roll:

Sounded like Pat Metheney's guitar to these old ears???
They will really only be worth anything at night. I don't really care for the daytime appearance. I'm going to mask off everything but the led's and paint the rest black. It does cover the road rash pretty good :)

strip_led_in _light.jpg

Hey Clint ! Managed to get my "twat" in the pic again ;)
Thought about powder coating the bars - then install the LED’s? As this would offer rust protection on the scuffed areas
I was thinking the same thing, Mittzy.;)

Another idea would be to take them to your local Rhino Linings guy for a dip!
Update, during my deer crash both sides of my front crash bar got skinned up. They don't make Rivco bars like this anymore and I like them. Put some led strip lights over them to cover the damage. I kinda like it. If YOU don't, feel free to speak your mind. https://youtu.be/MIq2J0-Wj14

Were you a PIMP in a former life???
Have you checked on getting them chemically stripped, polish the scuffs and rechromed?

The EPA pretty much ran all the chrome places around me out of business. Chroming is $$$. If I don't like the lights, there is a company that makes a scuff guard that is made to cover up previous damage.